View Full Version : TL452-230-2R Sprue Plate Issue

08-16-2010, 08:28 PM
I'm casting 45 ACP bullets using the Lee TL452-230-2R mold. I'm getting an issue with the way the sprue plate is cutting the base of the bullet. The majority of the bullets that I cast don't have a nice flat sprue plate cut. I'm getting tiny little chips on the base of the bullet. I'm pouring the lead correctly and I don't get this with any of my other Lee molds. Any ideas?

08-16-2010, 10:15 PM
By "chips", do you mean tears? Tears are caused by swinging the sprue plate before the pour has had sufficient time to harden. Try waiting longer...

Each of my moulds is unique unto itself and I don't expect any one of them to cast the same as any other.

09-11-2010, 12:36 PM
After 3 casting sessions of frustration. I found that if I keep the pot at 750, sponge the mold every 3 casts, The sprue plate would cut clean if I wrapped on the mold a couple times softly. Kind of wierd...but it's working. It doesn't seem to cut well unless I allow mold to cool and let the lead cool a little longer in the mold. There's a fine line between getting a smooth cut and not allowing the mold to get too cold to where it doesn't fill the mold out. I also purchased another .45 Lee mold and got the same results. Maybe it has something to due with the size of the bullet and the size of the holes on the sprue plate.