View Full Version : Top Shot show on History channel and 44Man.

08-15-2010, 06:44 PM
I watched this show last night for the first time. Seems there is a blue and red opposing teams for shooting a variety of weapons from rifles to sling shots, very cool show.

Any way one of the weapons last night was a Colt Replica (reproduction). They went into there dialogue abut the revolver before the firing contest was to begin. When it was time for the contest to begin they were showing pictures of the .45 Colt Peacemaker being fired (very mild loads).

One "slow motion picture" of the revolver was from the side (left to right) being shot!

It Clearly showed the hammer falling on a live round and then REBOUNDING and closing again. It was slight but make no mistake it did it!

This takes us to Jim and Whitworth theory/fact that this was going on but they couldn't prove it due to quality camera equipment! Fix, was heavier Hammer spring in the revolvers.
Check out the other post and it will make more sense to everyone.

Well there it is right on TV for anyone to see! Like I said earlier it isn't much but then either are the loadings they are using in the 45 Colt Peacemaker. With a lot heavier loading this is a very relative finding/condition.

Way to go Jim.:bigsmyl2:

08-15-2010, 11:09 PM
I just watched the final episode


I cant believe Ian won JJ racaza is the man!!!!!

08-16-2010, 07:30 AM
Sometimes things are hard to understand. It was easy with some old Colts with the hammer mounted pin and a hole too large. A pierced primer would drive the hammer back, rotate the cylinder and fire again.
Seen a lot of cheap muzzle loaders with poor nipples cock the hammer.
But to see it with a frame mounted pin is just crazy. :holysheep

08-16-2010, 02:26 PM
I saw the episode in question over the weekend as well. I'm fairly certain the peacemaker they were using had a hammer mounted pin.

08-16-2010, 02:33 PM
You can check out all the episodes of Top Shot on hulu.com What a great show!

08-16-2010, 03:04 PM
But to see it with a frame mounted pin is just crazy. :holysheep

Hard to say. Of course, that little cylinder on the M-1 Carbine gives a pretty good slap to the op rod, so I suppose it is technically possible. Think "croquet ball" and energy transfer.

08-16-2010, 04:14 PM
Sometimes things are hard to understand. It was easy with some old Colts with the hammer mounted pin and a hole too large. A pierced primer would drive the hammer back, rotate the cylinder and fire again.
Seen a lot of cheap muzzle loaders with poor nipples cock the hammer.
But to see it with a frame mounted pin is just crazy. :holysheep

The revolver was/appeared to be a replica of a colt peace maker. With that thought in mind it was probably a hammer mounted pin but I honestly didn't notice. The second I saw the scene coming up all my attention was centered on whether there was a rebound of the hammer upon firing.

I went to the link hulu.com but I couldn't figure any way to get to that episode.

An answer on the firing pin would be nice, just hope I don't have to wait for a rerun!

08-17-2010, 01:21 AM
"What a great show" ????? Wow, either they changed the drama queen pattern
of this show or we have dramatically different ideas what entertainment is all
about. I thought it was the stupidest bunch of whining baloney with about 4 minutes of
shooting per hour wedged in between the whining. Combine all that with one of the
"experts" not being able to hit a 2 foot square target at about 100 yds with an 1903
Springfield with 30+ shots!

Watched the first show and about 3 minutes of the second before I had my fill.

Of course, I can proudly say I have never watched a single episode of Survivor.


08-17-2010, 08:28 AM
"What a great show" ????? Wow, either they changed the drama queen pattern
of this show or we have dramatically different ideas what entertainment is all
about. I thought it was the stupidest bunch of whining baloney with about 4 minutes of
shooting per hour wedged in between the whining. Combine all that with one of the
"experts" not being able to hit a 2 foot square target at about 100 yds with an 1903
Springfield with 30+ shots!

Watched the first show and about 3 minutes of the second before I had my fill.

Of course, I can proudly say I have never watched a single episode of Survivor.

My thoughts exactly. Too much cut throat based on personality.

08-17-2010, 10:00 AM
Here is the link to the Top Shot's page on Hulu

Here is the link to Season 1 Episode 6 Wild Wild West
I think the scene your looking for is at 8 minutes and 30 seconds

Check this out though; at 8 minutes and 50 seconds. They are shooting at a mason jar and right after impact it looks like the bullet bounces off the glass!?!?!? *** Any thoughts?

08-17-2010, 12:54 PM
Watched the first show and about 3 minutes of the second before I had my fill.

Of course, I can proudly say I have never watched a single episode of Survivor. Bill

Yep, same here.

Understand how a TV show is produced. I have worked in that industry for over 33 years, he who won was scripted before the first scene was shot. Every hit, every miss was scripted and they kept filming each scene with take after take until they had what the script called for. There is nothing in the show that was not in the script which was written well before production began.

The show was scripted, filmed and aired as nothing more than another Survivorman reality BS show.

It was not and was never intended to be any type of competition. Simply something to appease the brain dead masses that believe what they see on the tube of which little to nothing is real.


08-17-2010, 04:06 PM
Yep, same here.

Understand how a TV show is produced. I have worked in that industry for over 33 years, he who won was scripted before the first scene was shot. Every hit, every miss was scripted and they kept filming each scene with take after take until they had what the script called for. There is nothing in the show that was not in the script which was written well before production began.

The show was scripted, filmed and aired as nothing more than another Survivorman reality BS show.

It was not and was never intended to be any type of competition. Simply something to appease the brain dead masses that believe what they see on the tube of which little to nothing is real.


I wrote what I saw, that's it. As far as what you have said I do not doubt it a bit, like the arguing, pure BS!

08-17-2010, 04:50 PM
the last two or three episodes were totally different than the first ones.

The last episodes were no whining no moaning, just heads up shooting who shot the best moved on those who didn't were out.

It was everyman for himself and in that respect it was good.

08-17-2010, 05:06 PM
the last two or three episodes were totally different than the first ones.

The last episodes were no whining no moaning, just heads up shooting who shot the best moved on those who didn't were out.

It was everyman for himself and in that respect it was good.

Sorry I missed that part Blammer, I was getting tired of the other stuff, like Dennis the self proclaimed guy that was extremely familiar with single actions and supporting his team that never hit a single target, I found that a little dumb considering the targets are bottles/jugs/ whatever at what looked like about 25 feet .

I can do that with a sling shot!!

However in there defense, there is a lot of tension and whatever.:mrgreen:

08-17-2010, 08:13 PM
"What a great show" ????? Wow, either they changed the drama queen pattern
of this show or we have dramatically different ideas what entertainment is all
about. I thought it was the stupidest bunch of whining baloney with about 4 minutes of
shooting per hour wedged in between the whining. Combine all that with one of the
"experts" not being able to hit a 2 foot square target at about 100 yds with an 1903
Springfield with 30+ shots!

Watched the first show and about 3 minutes of the second before I had my fill.

Of course, I can proudly say I have never watched a single episode of Survivor.


or that Idol show or the news (even FOX).

08-17-2010, 11:23 PM
Well, it they cut out the whining and upped the shooting . . . .

Maybe I need tor watch at least part of one more episode.

Pretty skeptical, tho.


08-18-2010, 03:28 AM
Pretty skeptical, tho.

That sums up my take on the TV shows. I don't understand or appreciate the drama sequences on "reality" shows. What drivel. I haven't watched one in years. Marie's cooking shows on Food Network do similar things, and when that starts I just leave the room. Worse yet are the sportspimps that run (or create) all the drama occurring during baseball/football seasons. If those fools only knew how much I hated that ****. PRESENT THE GAME--forget the bullsquat, I couldn't care less, and it's likely lies and nonsense anyway.

08-18-2010, 10:04 AM
Yea the BS got old quick! I really enjoyed some of the competition ideas. Didnt really care much after that.