View Full Version : Beef Liver Recipe

The Dove
08-03-2010, 05:30 PM
What's your favorite????? I gotta a good one that my Dad made when I was a teeny bopper.

The Dove

08-03-2010, 06:22 PM
And that recipe would be?Robert

08-03-2010, 06:54 PM
apply rubber gloves , pick up carefully , and chuck it out to the dog,,, I not fond of liver....but i have heard that if you skin it it is a lot better ,

08-03-2010, 07:01 PM
Remove all connective tissue from liver.
Soak the liver in milk for 2 hours, dredge in regular flour, fry. Don't cook it to death.
Onions and/or mushrooms can be cooked with the liver if desired.

Old Goat Keeper
08-03-2010, 09:11 PM
The single most important thing to remember when handling liver is to get ALL of the gall bladder and bile duct out! First I soak in salt water and then I slice and freezer in meal size packs. To cook I thaw, dredge in seasoned flour and fry in butter/bacon drippins to no more than medium. Serve with gravy/fried onions/bacon as you wish. A side of cornbread goes well with this.

The Dove
08-04-2010, 06:47 PM
I want you boys to try this one and tell me what you think..... My dad taught me this one growing up in Coal county (Oklahoma) about 30 years ago. I cook it for the family today and they love it. Hope you all do too!!!!

Beef calf liver
1 round onion or several wild onions will do
1 or 2 bell peppers (depending on size)
2 small cans of mushroom pieces/slices
6 slices of bacon
Bacon grease and crisco (amounts differ upon taste so don’t make this science “Bitch”
1 package of mushroom gravy mix
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 beef bullion cube
salt and pepper to taste

While bacon cooks (don't cook bacon till it's crisp!!!) Wash and trim liver and cut into strips (about 1 inch wide, kind of like steak fingers) salt and pepper then flour liver strips
Brown liver lightly over bacon grease, may have to add more grease as you cook more liver
Pull liver out

Saute onions, peppers, garlic, mushrooms and sh!t (may have to add more grease)
Add beef bouillon, and about a cup or so of water
Add mushroom gravy packet and adjust as desired to achieve desires consistency
When you get the consistency you want then add the slices of bacon ( I cut bacon slices in half)

Mix everything together real well and simmer till ready to eat

08-04-2010, 07:44 PM
After removing the membrane tissue, assorted unpleasing bits and pieces etc. cut in strips, dip in milk&egg dip, dip in seasoned flour, and deep fry.

My kids loved it when they thought it was steak fingers, got caught making it and ruined all that. lol

08-05-2010, 06:15 PM
I think it is awesome . Clean up with a few cuts, soak in lightly salted water(15 minutes) drain a couple of times.

Cut up some onions, sauté them in a "Non Stick" pan, put in a bowl/plate. Put thin sliced calf liver ( seasoned flour) in hot pan (same pan), fry turning once for about 2/3 minutes. Add onions and continue cooking till done to your taste. DON'T overcook!

Oh! and like Old Goat Keeper said, Just make some cornbread, you'll find out why. absolutely great!!

Forgot to add, most women have a low iron content, and this is very high in iron.

Lloyd Smale
08-06-2010, 06:22 AM
cant help you. i dont eat guts!

The Dove
08-06-2010, 08:47 AM
I remember on some western, I believe it was Lonesome Dove, when one of the lines was "Sodbusters, he hates their livers and guts!" Then the bad guys shot the farmers, hung them and then burnt them.

The Dove

08-08-2010, 06:59 PM
cant help you. i dont eat guts!

Thats what I like about you Lloyd, you're never one to beat down another mans idea's of what he feels and thinks, while at the same time reviewing the available data and making a constructive comment based on years of expertise and careful observation, [smilie=l: :bigsmyl2:

08-12-2010, 12:06 AM
Fry bacon (thick cut style), keep grease, fry liver in grease (and the little crispy bits left in the grease).

Some folks do onions as well - not me.

If there's a bit of grease left over, throw some sliced potatoes in and cook them.

Mmmmm. 2 meats and potatoes. Can't eat this way every day, though.