View Full Version : Putting the Devil in Deviled Eggs

08-01-2010, 07:03 PM
First you need to make the below recipe.

Hot Pepper Butter
42-45 Hot Peppers (Jalapenos are best)
1- pint plain old yellow mustard - 16 oz.
4- cups white vinegar.
6-cups sugar.
1 tablespoon salt.
1 cup cornstarch
1 1/2 cup water.
Mix cornstarch and water and set aside.
In blender put one cup vinegar and a few peppers and grind for a few seconds, add more peppers and grind until smooth. When all peppers are pureed, put in large pot with mustard, sugar, salt and the rest of the vinegar. Stir in cornstarch and water and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat and put into pint jars and process in water bath canner for 20 minutes start timing when water returns to boil.
Or you can put in freezer containers and freeze. Yield 6-7 pints.

Hard boil one dozen eggs, cut in half and remove yolk. Place yolks in bowl and add enough Hot Pepper Butter to form a smooth paste, return yolks into eggs and enjoy.
You can also use this recipe on hot dogs and or hamburgers.

08-02-2010, 03:24 PM
Dam Hickory, I'll take 4 jars, just send me the bill, that sounds so good and I really love deviled eggs.

The one thing that I can tell you about making regular deviled eggs where one uses "paprika", try buying a jar of good "Hungarian Paprika", I never thought there would be any difference between regular Paprika and it but it is UNBELIEVABLE. I was shown this by a chef I used to date, she made them both ways one day.

You know, I am not kidding about the "Hot Pepper Butter" if you would like sell some please PM me.

Rick N Bama
08-03-2010, 07:13 PM
This post reminded me that when my #1 Granddaughter was about 3 years old, she referred to Deviled Eggs as "Satan Eggs":)


08-03-2010, 09:22 PM
Lotsa work, but it sounds interesting.

'Round here, Devilled Eggs are just mayo, mustard, yokes mixed and then piped back in the white halves and sprinkled with Paprika... Been that way for generations...

08-03-2010, 10:19 PM
prepared horseradish gives them a litte extra kick.......Deviled eggs......Yummie!

Hot Pepper Butter sounds good!

08-04-2010, 10:32 PM
My wife uses horseradish, mustard, and mayo. I like the horseradish heat better than the jalapeno heat. Why? dunno.... maybe just growing up with horseradish.....

Suo Gan
08-05-2010, 01:01 AM
That sound great!! Printed that one.

08-05-2010, 08:03 AM
I'm going to try making this over the weekend -- what else do you use it in? Seems like 7 pints would make a lot of deviled eggs -- I'd like to see what else it could be used in.

08-05-2010, 08:25 AM
I'm going to try making this over the weekend -- what else do you use it in? Seems like 7 pints would make a lot of deviled eggs -- I'd like to see what else it could be used in.

It can be used where ever you use mustard. Just remember to use only a little at first to see if you or others like it or not, some people like a little some like a lot
I have a friend who says this pepper butter has lead him to loose over 20 lbs of weight. He says that when he feels the urge to snack, a few pertxel sticks and the pepper butter stays with him and has no more urge to snack. This is not the case with me. I'm not suggesting this as a diet plan.

If you put it in 1/2 pint jars, it make good Christmas stocking stuffers for family and friends.

Places I have used pepper butter;
Potato salad
On hot dogs
Brats with and without sour kraut:drinks:
A snack when I don't know what I want.
And of course deviled eggs.

08-05-2010, 11:13 AM
Thanks -- I like to have fresh jalepenos out of the garden, but I always seem to have more than I can use, particularly when I don't have enough tomatoes to make salsa (which seems like most years).

08-05-2010, 12:37 PM
This one goes in the files for later! Gonnna hafta make some.

08-05-2010, 05:50 PM
It can be used where ever you use mustard. Just remember to use only a little at first to see if you or others like it or not, some people like a little some like a lot
I have a friend who says this pepper butter has lead him to loose over 20 lbs of weight. He says that when he feels the urge to snack, a few pertxel sticks and the pepper butter stays with him and has no more urge to snack. This is not the case with me. I'm not suggesting this as a diet plan.

If you put it in 1/2 pint jars, it make good Christmas stocking stuffers for family and friends.

Places I have used pepper butter;
Potato salad
On hot dogs
Brats with and without sour kraut:drinks:
A snack when I don't know what I want.
And of course deviled eggs.

Unbelievable! I think I gained a pound just thinking of how to use it. Hickory you need to go into business, No Joke!:)

09-08-2010, 02:05 AM
42-45 Hot Peppers (Jalapenos are best)

Any idea what this would be in lbs of fresh peppers? One of the supermarkets I shop at has them on sale for 49 cents/lb and the jalapenos are huge ( 4-6 inches).

09-08-2010, 06:50 AM
Any idea what this would be in lbs of fresh peppers? One of the supermarkets I shop at has them on sale for 49 cents/lb and the jalapenos are huge ( 4-6 inches).

I just started another batch.
I've got people beatin' on my door wanting to try some of this stuff.
If they are 4-6 inches long, I'd try about 30-35 peppers.

09-08-2010, 11:03 AM
I've got people beatin' on my door wanting to try some of this stuff.

Maybe we need an off topic sales area. :)

09-08-2010, 11:54 AM

I will try the pepper butter soon. I beleive I will pop in a few habaneros for some extra bite. My garden jalapenos are pretty mild. Maybe throw in a few serranos as well.

09-08-2010, 04:01 PM
Hickory, I just made up half a batch how long will this stuff last in the refrigerator? I am gonna freeze most of it but gonna give some to a friend and I suspect he would like to know how long it will last too. Good stuff thanks for posting the recipe.

09-08-2010, 05:30 PM
I've had some last almost a month before it eaten,
with all the vinager in it, it should last quite a while.

09-08-2010, 11:14 PM
I've had some last almost a month before it eaten,
with all the vinager in it, it should last quite a while.

Yea thats kinda what I thought too. It sure is good stuff!

09-10-2010, 04:12 PM
Well I made a batch of deviled eggs and your right this does work great for that. Good thing I live alone except for the dog I had home made Chili today and some of these eggs. LOL

09-20-2010, 10:48 PM
great sounding recipe, I have a few Jalapeno plants this year, and they are loaded, I should have 40 or so :)

09-21-2010, 11:52 PM
Hot pepper spread is great on meatloaf. I found that out tonight.

09-23-2010, 03:39 AM
Made a batch the other day, great stuff. I do want to know how you guys make it though....seeds or no seeds? I took them out and it made it a bit sweeter with a hint of spicyness. How do you guys prefer it?

09-23-2010, 07:34 AM
I leave the seeds in. but some people I know take them out.

09-29-2010, 03:43 PM
I tried it last night on 1 kielbasa (all I had) and it was great!

11-10-2010, 09:08 AM
I made some of this last night and man oh man, it's good on EVERYTHING ! Put it on a hamberger steak,yummie. Put some on a ritz with cream cheese, yummie ! Hotdog, yummie. Fried up some egg and hash browns this am and smeared some on all of that and yummie.Only made a half batch cause I don't like real hot stuff and wanted to try it out. Guess I'll have to make a whole batch next time.Oh, had some pintos in the frig.and got a spoon full out just to try with some on them, didn't heat them up and the were still good. Heck, this stuff could make sweet tatter pie taste better.

11-10-2010, 10:53 AM
I'm glad you like it.
It's something I enjoy sharing with people.

Pepe Ray
11-10-2010, 10:58 AM
Thank you Hickory!!
I did have trouble interpreting the quantity of peppers. A poundage measurement would have simplified it ,but we got thru it fine.
I made a half batch and ended up using one pound of peppers(+)
Removed stems only.
Also I did the water bath canning and it came out perfectly. When I do it again, and I will, I'll use jelly jar sizes. Being the only one to eat the wonderful stuff, I must keep the opened jar refrigerated for a long time.

My favorite application to date is with a casserole my wife made. Pasta. chicken, broccoli and Alfredo sauce. A tablespoon of HB on the plate, dipping your fork w/each bite , MMMMmmm. Fat City.
Thanks again,
Pepe Ray

11-10-2010, 10:05 PM
My wife has been putting it on my sandwiches for lunch every day.... excellent.

11-12-2010, 12:35 PM
All right, going to have to try this. I keep coming back to this thread but have been so busy canning other things that I didn't have time for it. Now I'll have to try it out.



11-19-2010, 06:38 PM
I made a dozen eggs for my wife and myself, and
company shows up. One lady sneeks one and before
we know it they are all gone. I didn't get a one.
I'll try it again tomorrow, I'll have to buy another dozen eggs.

11-21-2010, 06:21 PM
Man o' man, that butter was some good stuff! I quartered the recipe and it came out great. About 1 3/4 pints. Canned one and the other one is in the frig gel'ing. Can't wait to try it out on the deviled eggs.

Oh yeah, I de-seeded the jalapenos.

11-21-2010, 08:54 PM
having some on my hot dogs RIGHT NOW! I love hot dogs...

Four Fingers of Death
11-29-2010, 08:56 AM
First you need to make the below recipe.

Hot Pepper Butter
42-45 Hot Peppers (Jalapenos are best)
1- pint mustard - 16 oz.
4- cups white vinegar.
6-cups sugar.
1 tablespoon salt.
1 cup cornstarch
1 1/2 cup water.
Mix cornstarch and water and set aside.
In blender put one cup vinegar and a few peppers and grind for a few seconds, add more peppers and grind until smooth. When all peppers are pureed, put in large pot with mustard, sugar, salt and the rest of the vinegar. Stir in cornstarch and water and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat and put into pint jars and process in water bath canner for 20 minutes start timing when water returns to boil.
Or you can put in freezer containers and freeze. Yield 6-7 pints.

Hard boil one dozen eggs, cut in half and remove yolk. Place yolks in bowl and add enough Hot Pepper Butter to form a smooth paste, return yolks into eggs and enjoy.
You can also use this recipe on hot dogs and or hamburgers.

I'm planting two types of chillis tomorrow (I'm in the Southern Hemisphere). I like the sound of this and will be dusting off the canner as soon as I have a seriously big batch of chillis. I can see a lot of devilled eggs and salad for lunch coming up next year.

Another good idea is to keep your eyes peeled when at the supermarket vege section. Chillis are usually pretty expensive and every now and then you spot a bunch reduced when they put out a new lot.

They would definetly be HOT! dogs! I can't wait for that one.

12-23-2010, 08:43 AM
I just took the jars out of the water bath. Our local Kroger had Jalapenos on sale for .99 per pound. 45 peppers totaled about 2 1/3 pounds. It turned out great so far. All I have had of it was what I spilled on the outside of the jars while I was filling them. you need a pretty good sized stock pot to cook the whole concoction. I had to use the fish pan that I got with my turkey fryer originally purchased for smelting. Got 12 1/2 pint jars and 1 pint jar. Keep it moving while bringing to a boil or you will scorch the bottom of the pan. Luckily I was not too far into it and I was able to dump it into another pot to re wash the one I burned. If I ruined it I sure cant tell. Thanks for the recipe Hickory.

Four Fingers of Death
12-24-2010, 06:56 AM
I got the spot in the garden prepared for my chilli crop, but the wife got the drop on my and planted it out before I got to it. Running out of room to put garden beds in :( Maybe some big pot plants that are out back?

12-24-2010, 07:52 AM
I got the spot in the garden prepared for my chilli crop, but the wife got the drop on my and planted it out before I got to it. Running out of room to put garden beds in :( Maybe some big pot plants that are out back?

Dont worry you can always buy them at the store and then you wont have to wait for them to grow!

Four Fingers of Death
12-24-2010, 10:54 AM
Dont worry you can always buy them at the store and then you wont have to wait for them to grow!

Yep, I suppose so, but I sure get a buzz out of growing my own and I love giving stuff away to others and canning food for later. The reality is that it would be probably cheaper to buy everthing at the supermarket, especially now that we have a chain called 'Harris Farm Markets' who really sell veges cheap and if you concentrated on eating the stuff that they have on special to get you into the shop, you could get out of it cheaply, but the wife and I just love working out in the garden and eating home grown.

I also had some special chillis which were suited for our temperate climate here. I suppose I could get the hoe and the shovel out and squeeze another garden bed in (less lawn to mow :) )

12-24-2010, 11:40 AM
Yep, I suppose so, but I sure get a buzz out of growing my own and I love giving stuff away to others and canning food for later. The reality is that it would be probably cheaper to buy everthing at the supermarket, especially now that we have a chain called 'Harris Farm Markets' who really sell veges cheap and if you concentrated on eating the stuff that they have on special to get you into the shop, you could get out of it cheaply, but the wife and I just love working out in the garden and eating home grown.

I also had some special chillis which were suited for our temperate climate here. I suppose I could get the hoe and the shovel out and squeeze another garden bed in (less lawn to mow :) )

Understood, I do enjoy growing my own as well we plant 25 tomato plants and can salsa, spaghetti sauce as well at tomato juice. I planted 12 Jalapeno plants this year and got about 10 peppers from all 12 plants. That end of the garden was pretty non productive this year. It didnt hurt my feelings to buy a few peppers, but It feels better (and tastes better too) to know where they have been.

Heard that about less lawn to mow. Our garden gets a little bigger each year!

Four Fingers of Death
01-06-2011, 09:42 AM
I just found the small supermarket at the local village shopping centre selling trays of small (1 1/2" long ) red peppers with about thirty on a small tray for $1, I bought five trays as I have a chilli jam recipe as well. I will have to dust off the old stovetop canner, bottles and lids, I suppose i will need new gaskets as wel haven't used them for some time, between travelling around the state with work for five years, nursing my late wife, mooning about for a year or two, courting my current wife, living in China for awhile, but I am back in the garden and hme produce business and will be doing lots of preserving, brewing, etc. Even got a still going (for medicinal oils of course). I fancied making my own wine as well, but at $1.99 a bottle, it is hardly worth it.

I am a bit leery of this recipe, it seems very strongggggggggggggggg! I suppose if it is too strong, I can mix it with mayo. The wife and I will be alright, we eats lots of chilli dishes, but visitors might be in trouble. I have an Indian mate in Sydney who is a foodaholic. She is from Calcutta and loves hot food, she has been humping my leg trying to get me to make some of this.

I might divide it into two lots and try it with Splenda as I am a diabetic and avoid sugar where I can.

01-06-2011, 06:38 PM
Its not as hot in the deviled eggs as you would think, but you still know its there. It is pretty powerful straight out of the jar though. I have been using it on just about everything.

Four Fingers of Death
01-06-2011, 08:24 PM
It gets like that if you love chilli. I have been using Tobasco and Asian Chilli oil for yerars now and it is always an anguishing decision as to which I will use on my food! :)

Four Fingers of Death
01-06-2011, 08:52 PM
I forgot to ask, what sort of mustard do you use? You guys seem to use pretty mild sweet mustard and we use much hotter stuff. The hot English Mustard that we used to use was mega hot, but they seem to be dumbing it down gradually. I use Keen's Powdered Mustard which is the good old, tear the lining out of you sinus' style of mustard.

01-07-2011, 07:15 PM
I just used good ol plain yellow mustard. Nothing hot here.

01-08-2011, 10:35 AM
I use the recipe straight as a thin sandwich spread, but if I am eating it on something I cut it with mayo or sour cream or barbecue sauce.....

12-25-2015, 09:14 AM
Whipping up a batch of these for Christmas dinner at the Inlaws tomorrow. Father in law requests them every year.

have a blessed day everyone!

nodda duma
12-25-2015, 09:18 AM
Tag. Wife would love this.

Four Fingers of Death
12-25-2015, 10:16 AM
It's funny I can't really remember devilled eggs being a Christmas item, but something we ate occasionally and always took a plate to parties, gatherings (keep chooks and always have spare eggs), but this morning, my son got it inhis head to make devilled eggs and he and my eldest son made a batch up at eldest son's place. Like most things, he went completely over the top and did heaps of different types. I did a bit of visiting to get rid of the excess, but still had a huge amount and thought that I would be eating them for days. By lunch time they were all gone, amazing. I switch on the computer tonight and ths thread comes up!

Ole Joe Clarke
12-25-2015, 10:16 AM
We have used a similar receipt for about 30 years, we just call it: Beverly's Hot Mustard. We make a batch, then our oldest daughter makes a batch. We give away a lot of pint jars of it, everybody likes it.

12-25-2015, 11:46 AM
Going to try it for new year's eve. Thanks.

12-25-2015, 11:34 PM
Deviled eggs were a must for sheepshead card games!

Four Fingers of Death
12-26-2015, 05:43 AM
I noticed that while most people ohh and ahh with disapproval and talk about cholesterol and fat, etc, the devilled eggs never last long and the plate always goes home clean.