View Full Version : surprised

07-28-2010, 12:32 AM
guess im kinda surprised that not more "factory" guns are hiding here. this should be the perfect place to post results with the factory guns like the alaskan ruger 375.

my little shortened hawkeye is a hoot to shoot. i load 300 horn's and lyman 270's in lead. i havnt found THE load for this lyman cast boolit yet. just started to develope but so far ive tryed 35 gr of RL-7. this in my mind should be a good load but i cant get better then 2.5 inch at 50 yards with it. ive loaded it at the crimp groove so will try to load it out to where it just is shy of the lands in my barrel.

any thoughts and i also would like to try my hand at cast in my win 338wm as well. ill take all the hints i can get. oh and my motivation for now is a lite cast load to practice with and cut down the recoil for these fun times rolling cans and plinking the gong offhand. if i can develope a good grouper with enough umfff id consider hunting with cast as well.


07-28-2010, 01:02 AM
We need pics Ted to verify your story ...:mrgreen:

07-28-2010, 08:31 AM
.....On the subject of "Surprised":

I have noticed that threads in this section seem to vanish rather quickly.


07-28-2010, 08:45 AM
Good morning
vanish they sure do.. seem to stay about just long enought to get them written. I wrote several about the 32-20 and they were gone in a week.
Maybe it has to do with paticipation ?

07-28-2010, 09:47 AM
and pictures yee shall have.

this first is a comparison to my short 444:

ok having prolems with my photo bucket so hope these come thru


well there is an older picture of my ruger 375. i have since re-installed the front band post front sight but srry no pictures yet.


this is a picture of my early 300 gr loads.


well there ya have em. more pictures to follow when i get em loaded to where i can spread em here.

07-28-2010, 10:17 AM
holy cow. found those pictures rite off so here they come. first is of the front sight i salvaged from the bothersome holes i had drilled into the muzzel. they had to go hence the shortened barrel in the first place. then i salvaged and filed and polished the taper inside till it would fit over the new configurement of the barrel. but i couldnt hide the holes in the band....looking at it i kinda like them in just the band.


target shows the diff between my cast loads and the 300 loads.


there they are for "PROOF"...lol

now think ill go load a few more and take em out for a walk.

07-28-2010, 10:20 AM
and yes before some smart-in-hymer starts in about my housekeeping...just shut up!!!


Dean D.
07-28-2010, 10:35 AM
Housekeeping? Ha! Your a neat freak compared to me Ted! LOL

07-28-2010, 10:59 AM
Vanish? Where do they go?

07-28-2010, 04:18 PM
"Vanishing Threads": When you first open the forum, there is a box at the bottom of the page labeled "Display Options". You need to specify the time span you want to look at. Mine somehow got set to a single day, confused the heck out of me when there were only a couple of posts in the long-running forum. I reset it to 2 weeks and old posts reappeared.

07-28-2010, 06:15 PM
Housekeeping? Ha! Your a neat freak compared to me Ted! LOL

Me too Dean.


08-31-2010, 11:09 AM
well i guess the "surprised" portion of this thread took over so ill spot another to try to spark interest in the gun/load. i would welcome any ideas / experience on the boolit loads and diff cast boolits for this lil gem.

too late this year as the seasson is upon us and the 338 is primed and ready but really want to develope cast loads for the short ruger 375. ive got the rite on scope for it as well but will use the 3-9 to develope loads till then. any ideas ???

09-02-2010, 12:59 AM
I have my own rather limited .375 Ruger results on a previous thread which I arrived at using Larry Gibson's .375 H&H loads. They all worked well the first time and needed no tweaks. So - Bullseye for light loads, 5744 for mid, and H4895 plus 1gr Dacron for heavier hunting are all I will ever need. I never had an easier time with another rifle.