View Full Version : Need help with 1943 .303 British Enfield No 4 Mk1

07-27-2010, 01:32 PM
Just bought my 1943 .303 British Enfield No 4 Mk1. I was trying to figure out how to remove the bolt and somehow managed to lock the bolt into the closed and locked position. No matter what I do with the safety or anything else, I cannot raise the bolt handle. Removing the magazine does not help. I need an expert!

07-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Wow, that doesn't sound like fun at all. All the guts come out through the bolt face.
Were it me, I would remove the forestock. Then the trigger group. Mayhaps the trigger is in a position that jams the movement.
Another alternative is to remove the safety. It might have become unscrewed and even though it can be moved, the safety is still in place.
If you find a schematic, it will show how it goes together. Numerich Arms has them to order from.
I am more inclined to think the safety is unscrewed. Remove it, clean it, remove the bolt if that is the issue. Replace the safety.
Should be simple. Nothing in the boltway will lock up the bolt except for those items.
Good luck.

07-27-2010, 03:24 PM
If everything seems locked up tight, the cocking piece is likely at half-cock.

Just grab it and pull it all the way to the rear until the rifle is at full cock. This will free everything up..

If the rifle IS a Mk1, and not a Mk1*, then there is a small catch at the right rear of the bolt track. This catch must be pushed DOWN before bringing the bolt all the way back. With the catch pushed down, the bolt head can be rotated up and this will allow the bolt to be removed from the rifle.

If the rifle is a Mk1*, there's a cutout in the bolt track about a third of the way back. Align the bolt head with the cut-out, rotate the head up and out of its track, and the bolt can be removed from the rifle. You MAY have to raise the rear sight to clear the bolt on its way out on either M1 or Mk1* rifles..

07-27-2010, 03:26 PM
It sounds as thought your bolt has been "half-cocked." That would product the situation you describe. Pull the cocking piece back until it clicks into full cock and try the bolt. Sf=afety off of course.

07-28-2010, 09:14 AM
Thanks to all the quick advice, I am out of trouble! The bolt was on half cock. I was also able to figure out how to remove the bolt using the instructions for the Mk 1. Now I also know that mine is a Mk 1, not Mk 1*. Thanks everybody!

07-29-2010, 01:21 PM
I had just the opposite problem. Just before I deployed I oiled down all my guns. When putting the bolt back in my No 4 Mk 1/2, I couldn't get the handle to rotate clockwise to the locked position. Drove me crazy and I didn't have time to mess with it before I left, so it got put back in the safe minus the bolt. I'm guessing that using the info above, I can figure out how to rectify this.

07-29-2010, 01:45 PM
I had the same problem and had to fiddle with it a few minutes to get the bolt head to properly rotate clockwise and snap back into position. This link may help:


Also, take a look at this link:


Let us know if you need more help.

07-29-2010, 03:45 PM
The Lee Enfield bolt head that unscrews one turn can drive one crazy! I have an original design with dust cover that prevents that - it's a great feature but was dropped soon after ther turn of the last centurary. I have a few more of those models but the dust covers are long gone.:| Of course the No4 was designed fresh without such a feature - it is in my opinion a superior action and I shall collect as many as I can get my hands on within my budget. I'm getting a professionally sporterized one with a mint, two-groove bore.

07-29-2010, 10:39 PM
I had the same problem and had to fiddle with it a few minutes to get the bolt head to properly rotate clockwise and snap back into position. This link may help:


Also, take a look at this link:


Let us know if you need more help.

Thanks, I'll give it a try when I get home next month.