View Full Version : Gas check seating help needed

07-24-2010, 11:41 AM
Gents, I bought a new Lee 431-310GC mold, Aluminum gas checks from colt.45 (the checks look fantastic by the way). I got them in the mail today and was going to seat some checks. The problem I ran into is that the shank on the boolit is just barely too small for the check to latch onto. What is the easiest way for a man with no mill to make the shank bigger. should I try to get in there with a small round file, Dremel tool, or Lap it out with a cast boolit and some laping compound. The boolits drop out right on the money size wise and I am planning on seating the checks with a Lee push through sizer. I will end up finding a lube recipe and dip lubing them using the sizer to "wipe off" the extra lube.

07-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Install the gas check on the bullet and try sizing both though the Lee sizing die and see if that will squeeze the checks down enough to stay on the boolit. Do not use a file or dremel tool on your mold or you will ruin it and have to toss it.
I would try other gas checks if sizing them though the Lee die does not cure the problem. If other gas checks are too large also, send the mold back to Lee for checking to see if it is out of spec.

07-24-2010, 02:16 PM
It could depend on the check material thickness as apposed to your shank diameter. I have to use at a minimum .014 aluminum to fit on my 45 cal mold/mold’s shanks. Once I size them the check will crimp/fit most of them with the above thickness, however others take a bit more such as .016.

You can as you stated hone out the molds GC section of the mold to fit the current aluminum checks you have, however you could end up not being able to fit the ones made from a name manufacturer such as Lyman/Hornady/or Gater as they tend to be made from a thicker copper material.

07-24-2010, 03:07 PM
Install the gas check on the bullet and try sizing both though the Lee sizing die and see if that will squeeze the checks down enough to stay on the boolit. Do not use a file or dremel tool on your mold or you will ruin it and have to toss it.
I would try other gas checks if sizing them though the Lee die does not cure the problem. If other gas checks are too large also, send the mold back to Lee for checking to see if it is out of spec.

A Lee push through sizer is what I tried and it didnt do it too it the way it should have.

It could depend on the check material thickness as apposed to your shank diameter. I have to use at a minimum .014 aluminum to fit on my 45 cal mold/mold’s shanks. Once I size them the check will crimp/fit most of them with the above thickness, however others take a bit more such as .016.

You can as you stated hone out the molds GC section of the mold to fit the current aluminum checks you have, however you could end up not being able to fit the ones made from a name manufacturer such as Lyman/Hornady/or Gater as they tend to be made from a thicker copper material.

Thanks Rob that is what I was thinking. I believe these are made out of .012 aluminum. It appears that the inside diameter of the checks are .004 larger than the shank.

Hang Fire
07-25-2010, 02:46 AM