View Full Version : Who owns the Kieth No. 5?

07-22-2010, 08:11 PM
I read in Hamilton Bowens book that he was hoping to get to see the original while he was building a copy. I started re-reading Taffin's "Big Bore Sixguns" today, and John mentions he has handled the gun.

I'm sure Mr. Taffin could answer this, but I figure there are others here who know.

While I'm at it, I will ask another question. Were's the best overall museum display of hanguns?

07-22-2010, 08:55 PM
Here is a article on where Keith's #5 is for viewing!

07-22-2010, 10:18 PM
The best museum for guns that I've been to is the Texas Ranger Museum in Waco, Texas. They have guns belonging to a lot of the old Rangers as well as Billy the Kid and Bonnie and Clyde. The Smithsonian in Wash D.C. has quite a collection also.

07-22-2010, 11:05 PM
If you want to see a huge gun museum, check out this place. http://www.thegunmuseum.com/menu1.htm

07-22-2010, 11:24 PM
The Buffalo Bill Firearms Museum in Cody, Wyoming claims the most comprehensive assemblage of American firearms in the world, including "The Winchester Collection."

07-23-2010, 08:03 AM
I have been to Boise Idaho, Cabela's, and viewed the Elmer Keith collection on display there. I have had my nose about 2 feet from his no. 5. Unfortunately, thick glass seperated me and the gun. thanks Jim

07-23-2010, 08:48 AM
Here's a picture I took of it last Fall at the Elmer Keith Museum, in Boise, Idaho, at Cabelas.


07-23-2010, 07:19 PM
If you are any where near Bartlesville, Oklahoma, visit the Frank Phillips weekend retreat he called Woolaroc. You can look at colt pistols, including the very rare ones until your eyes get tired. The museum also contains all sorts of western historical items. All sorts animals roam the grounds such as buffalo, elk and zebra. It is well worth the trouble it takes to get there. Frank, in case you didn't know ,founded Phillips Petroleum.

07-25-2010, 09:30 AM
Thanks for all the replies!

07-25-2010, 10:22 AM
I would bet that if Mr. Keith's son is still alive he owns the gun. If he is deceased I'd say one of Mr. Keith's grandchildren owns the gun.
That would be my assumption. But, we all know how assumptions are.

07-25-2010, 08:08 PM
If you go to Bartlesville, Ok., drop on down to Claremore and visit the J.M. Davis gun museum, worth the trip.

Lloyd Smale
07-26-2010, 07:43 AM
yup its amazing. It takes a couple days to see everything.
The Buffalo Bill Firearms Museum in Cody, Wyoming claims the most comprehensive assemblage of American firearms in the world, including "The Winchester Collection."

07-26-2010, 08:40 AM
I have seen Pic's before of the #5. With who it belonged to and TRUE records of it, there is no question.
Gun's that belonged to so and so and birth places of so and so. A lot of that I question. Just east of me a ways is the supposed birth place or home of Jesse James. Yet do a search on different folks of bygone times and see how many guns and birth places there are. The had to of started cloning and test tube babies in the mid 1800's. And every time one of those outlaws emptied a gun the threw it down and grabbed another one. Who knows maybe the old Wild Wild West show was true.
I was at MVACA gun show this past weekend in KC. There were sevral guns there supposed to having belonged to some know famous person.
not knocking you txbirdman. just how some of these places present what they have.