View Full Version : Adjustable mold help needed

07-22-2010, 04:35 PM
I have not been able to find a mold maker that will make a .251 30-35 grain bullet mold for me . Been swaging for this caliber air rifle but want to sell my press and dies . What I can get is a .250 or .251 adjustable swaging core mold . But the internal piston is flat . Can any one machine a 3/4 e shape into the pistons for me . They are easy to remove and replace .Marvin

07-22-2010, 06:43 PM
Marvin I cant quite picture what youre wanting, what is a 3/4e shape??

Have you considered any of the 25 caliber rifle molds available??

Casting with pure they will come out smaller, mill some off the base to get the weight needed

This is a Lyman 25 caliber 65gr bullet



07-22-2010, 07:35 PM
Yes and RCBS 25-050-RN is a 50 grainer but buy the time I get it down to the weight I want there is no true bearing surface left . NEI has about the same mold but he did not want to try to get it down to 30-35 grains . Which is the weight that works best for the rifle . Marvin

07-22-2010, 08:26 PM
Did you try Veral at LBT molds?

07-22-2010, 08:27 PM
Marvin do you need lube grooves??

If not a simple "D" reamer could be made in the shape needed and a regular mold made

Also what is meant by the 3/4e ??

07-22-2010, 09:47 PM
Did not try LBT but I will try and find his link . No I do not need lube groves . A 3/4 is a noise that has a length that is 3/4 the diameter of the bullet . And no it does not have to be 3/4 but to keep the weight down it should not be more than 3/4 . This is a 30 grain swaged bullet that I use now . .310 long with a .140 riding band .Marvin

07-22-2010, 09:57 PM
Getting the as cast diameter dead nutz to size would be tough. I think a mold would be easy enough, you may need to use a push thru sizer to get the diameter just right.

I assume you would casting from pure lead??

You want the round nose or the pointy one??

07-22-2010, 10:12 PM
I prefer the round . I have a lee .251 resize already . I generally use between 5-10 bhn lead with this rifle . My last resort is a blank mold and a 1/4 inch drill bit . Been there done that with a .312 and a 5/16 drill bit and it looks strange but flys straight out to 50 yards . Yet to try farther . But I really wanted to do better this time . Marvin

08-05-2010, 04:53 PM
So far I have found no one that can help with the light .251 mold . Had a oid mold that I did a practice run on with a drill . As you know most dits are around 132 degrees . Found some with a 60 degree angle made for plastic . They are made out of high speed steel . So I gave them a try on the test mold to see what would happen . I am happy enough that I will try a blank mold and a drill press which is all that I have to work with and see what happens .Marvin

08-05-2010, 10:01 PM
Getting that drill centered and perpendicular on the mold half parting line is going to be " tricky ".

08-15-2010, 01:09 AM
hay marvin, check out this video about making your own mold. the guy shows how you would make your own cutting bit.


i used this video to make my own drill bit, and it works great.. easy to make and well worth the effort to get a nice custom point. i tried mucking with drill bits like you are now, and never could get a point that was worth a cra*.

anyhow.. check out my custom mold i made for my .223, all i used was a belt sander and a cheapo sears plastic drill press.
