View Full Version : Got my out of spec 452651 back from Lyman

07-20-2010, 07:27 PM
My 452651 was dropping small out of round boolits. I emailed Lyman, they said send it in for eval and include some boolits so I did. I got it back yesterday with a note saying it was out of spec and they re-cut it and cast some boolits that were in spec. They included two wrinkley out of round boolits. But, they seem to be slightly larger than the out of round boolits that came out of it before. I'll try casting with it and see how it does. WW and WW/Lino 5/1.

So, Kudos for them not poo-pooing me and recutting it. They did not ask for any proof of when or where I purchased it. Leads me to think they know they have some out of spec moulds out there.

07-21-2010, 01:06 PM
Well they should know they have out of spec molds..................I've sent back to midway 4 of their molds in the last year and a half.......many others have done the same...............Midway has an influence as big as they are and I'm sure they let Lyman know what was up.

I hope the mold cast out well enough for your purposes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

07-21-2010, 01:29 PM
Snyd, Dam if I would keep it, they will never change if people just keep there ****. Get your money back, THAT they will understand!