View Full Version : Bfr ssk muzzle break

07-18-2010, 03:42 PM
Has anyone had one put on there BFR or does anyone know if it can be done?
This will be for a 475 and was also wondering what kind recoil reduction you get with a break


07-18-2010, 04:20 PM
Has anyone had one put on there BFR or does anyone know if it can be done?
Do not need one, just makes more noise. The guns are heavy enough as is to tame recoil.

07-18-2010, 05:50 PM
I am pretty familiar with SSK breaks. JD Jones knows his business and they are good.
A brake (true brake) is very good at reducing recoil. Much better than porting.
But I doubt you will need a brake though.
Noise? Use plugs. Hunting try to use plugs. Doesn't work for some but in a lot of cases you have time to put them in. And the loudness with normal charges handguns use is nothing in relation to rifle charges in handguns like a braked 30-06 Encore handgun etc..
Talk to Jones. He will tell you the truth.

07-18-2010, 06:29 PM
Thanks I am a smaller guy and I want to enjoy the gun and shoot the full power loads so that is why I was looking into the break.And I use the sonic ear valves when I am hunting and shooting so I am used to them.

07-18-2010, 06:43 PM
i have a FA 454 with a ssk muzzle break it does a great job of reducing recoil & muzzle rise.it adds about a 1 1/2 to the length of the barrel
thats the way i bought it from a friend at a good price.
all my others have magnaport which i prefer over the ssk because the MP adds no weight or length to the gun and does a deceint job. but the ssk muzzel break is definatly more effective than MP id say the ssk break reduces it by at least 50% .
i also hunt with electronic headphones.

07-18-2010, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the info.
I still not sure if it can be done to a BFR I think I found an article a while back where a guy had ssk do a break and install a tsob mount but I cant find it now.


07-18-2010, 09:24 PM
I guess the break would be better than magna porting?

Ed K
07-19-2010, 10:40 AM
I still not sure if it can be done to a BFR

Of course it can be done. A barrel is a barrel is a barrel.

I will add I was sorry I braked the only revolver I ever did it to because of the noise. Eventually sold it. A bottlenecked single shot pistol is another matter.

07-20-2010, 08:02 AM
When I first got my .475 I was taking the hair off the top of deer because I would relax too much. Did it to the first 3 and thought about Magnaport.
Then I shot a foot over a buck when he came on the wrong side and I poked the gun out with one hand, it doesn't work too good that way! :bigsmyl2:
It was just me and just holding tighter cured it, I have not missed another deer with it.
Once used to the gun, you fall in love with it. It is my go to gun when I want to shoot and the first for hunting. I rotate revolvers for each deer.
I repaired an SKS for a fellow and he brought his family to shoot it. I took my 45-70 BFR down and his wife and sons shot it but he wouldn't. His wife loved it and was clanging steel at 100 yards from bags. You have to laugh when a little woman will shoot a gun her husband is afraid of. [smilie=l:Of course it really kicks less then a .44.
Now the BFR .500 JRH of Whitworth's was hurting my wrist even though it was not twisting my hand up. Looks like I need to tape my wrist if I need to shoot it much from bags. It has a funny recoil. I much prefer the .475.
The rubber grips on the BFR's are the best for control. The .50 Alaskan has a Bisley with smooth grips and I refuse to shoot it. It has a huge brake but it did not stop Whitworth from spitting his head open, shooting off hand. I blame the grips. You can not have the big thumpers roll. A little sweat and look out! :holysheep

ole 5 hole group
07-20-2010, 01:09 PM
The .50 Alaskan has a Bisley with smooth grips and I refuse to shoot it. It has a huge brake but it did not stop Whitworth from spitting his head open, shooting off hand. I blame the grips. You can not have the big thumpers roll. A little sweat and look out! :holysheep

OK whitworth, I want to hear a little more about this experience:redneck:

Off the bench I've had a heavy recoiling revolver roll up and come real close to my left ear but never had one make personal contact yet. How much more does that 50 Alaskan have than a 500 Linebaugh Maximum loaded full-on?

Jim, sometimes those "big thumpers" don't care what we want & just do their own thing and you better be able to hold them or they'll hurt ya.

07-20-2010, 02:19 PM
OK whitworth, I want to hear a little more about this experience:redneck:

Off the bench I've had a heavy recoiling revolver roll up and come real close to my left ear but never had one make personal contact yet. How much more does that 50 Alaskan have than a 500 Linebaugh Maximum loaded full-on?

Jim, sometimes those "big thumpers" don't care what we want & just do their own thing and you better be able to hold them or they'll hurt ya.
The Alaskan is a Linebaugh on steroids. Top is the Linebaugh.
Then Marko's head.

07-20-2010, 03:38 PM
Ouch I guess maybe I better get a helmet for safety!! :)

ole 5 hole group
07-20-2010, 08:34 PM
The Alaskan is a Linebaugh on steroids. Top is the Linebaugh.
Then Marko's head.

Can't tell if that's a 500 Linebaugh or a 500 Linebaugh Max - difference is 1.4" compared to 1.6" but that Alaskan is a brute. I cut down the 50 Alaskan to make my 500 Linebaugh Maximum cases. I just can't fathom ole Marko's noggin getting in the way of that hogleg.

07-21-2010, 09:50 AM
Can't tell if that's a 500 Linebaugh or a 500 Linebaugh Max - difference is 1.4" compared to 1.6" but that Alaskan is a brute. I cut down the 50 Alaskan to make my 500 Linebaugh Maximum cases. I just can't fathom ole Marko's noggin getting in the way of that hogleg.
That is not the max, just the 1.4" Linebaugh. Same length as the JRH.
That Alaskan belongs in a rifle of about 10 to 12#! :drinks:

07-26-2010, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the info.
I still not sure if it can be done to a BFR I think I found an article a while back where a guy had ssk do a break and install a tsob mount but I cant find it now.


Yes, you can have a brake installed on anything, by a competent gunsmith. You may not "need" one, but they certainly can reduce recoil and muzzle flip a lot, without a significant increase in noise (you are wearing ear protection, right?).

We have a few guys on this forum who scoff at anything less than a .475 Linebaugh, and others who feel that factory 45 Colt loads have plenty of recoil. I suspect that most of us, myself included, fall somewhere in between.

Give me a few minutes, I'm going to post some pictures of the brake on my Bisley Blackhawk in a new thread. It shoots the heavy loads with less muzzle flip than many semi-autos, and is still lighter and shorter than a factory Bisley.