View Full Version : New way to access Cast Boolits

07-10-2010, 04:49 PM
I got an I phone for my birthday. So cool! I can get online without having to go home or to the office. Like I need another way to get distracted from work.:cbpour:

07-10-2010, 09:47 PM
I know, isn't it great. I'm on my HTC EVO now. Talking to the GF on my bluetooth, and writing this while on WI-FI.

07-11-2010, 01:47 AM
.............I'm 57 yo and have successfully initiated and completed 2 whole cell phone calls in my entire put together. I have no idea what you're talking about :-)
I used to think it was funny to tell people their butt was ringing, but now you don't know if that really IS Johnny Cash telling someone to answer their phone, or if the Ah-ooooogah, Ah-oooooogah, DIVE DIVE! really means there is a sub close by or it's simply someones cell phone, HA!


07-11-2010, 02:57 AM
The I phone is a phone, computer, GPS unit, calculator, camera, note recorder, music player,and much more rolled into one unit. I will be a while figuring out what all it will do. I get unlimited internet access with it.

07-11-2010, 07:54 AM
hey u forgot the alarm clock part of it ;)

07-11-2010, 09:01 AM
they should have a built in "inattentive driving" alarm built in, too...

07-11-2010, 09:58 AM
I tried accessing CastBoolits with my daughter's I-Phone. Yeah, I can get here. But, either the printing is too small to read, or if I enlarge the print so that I can read it, I have to scroll side to side to view everything. Makes it kind of hard to use. It would be OK in a pinch, but viewing CastBoolits on a computer monitor is much more user friendly.

Gunload Master
07-11-2010, 02:35 PM
I use my motorola Droid to monitor this place almost daily. The power of technology!

07-11-2010, 03:00 PM
The I phone is a phone, computer, GPS unit, calculator, camera, note recorder, music player,and much more rolled into one unit. I will be a while figuring out what all it will do. I get unlimited internet access with it.

But the I phone dosn't take getting droped in the marsh any better than the cheap cell phone I now use ( I have trashed at least 4 phones hunting)

I will maybe get one when they come out with a weatherproof / waterproof model


BTW many time when I hunt
The cell phone is in the truck turned OFF so I can injoy the piece and quiet

07-11-2010, 04:23 PM
Dad used to leave his cell phone back at the trailer, several miles away from him and his truck at the duck club where we go in the wintertime.. until one day when we wound up in the ditch and though he was giving me a bad time for "having that dang thing in the blind" it pretty much saved a several mile hike to someone WITH a phone by having that "infernal" device in my pocket.. I taught him how things can go to heck in a hurry and how bad things can happen and how valuable a little communication device can help.

cajun shooter
07-12-2010, 10:32 AM
Buckshot, The other day I was in my local Wally world(Itry to stay away from them) and this guy was standing next to me at the milk section. He said something that I did not understand so I tapped him on the shoulder and said I am sorry but what did you say? He gave me the darnest look, said nothing and walked away. I saw him later in the store and he had one of them phone things in his ear. I had to break out laughing.I told my wife when I returned home that this guy and myself thought the other was nuts!!Even when people are talking you don't know if it's meant for you or not.I have people all the time tell me we called your cell and got no answer. I tell them that I leave it in the truck in case of a emergency . When I was growing up we never had a phone in our house. My Dad said they cost too much and if some one wanted to talk to us they knew where we lived. My first phone only came after I was 21 and raising a family.

07-12-2010, 04:04 PM
I use Ham Radio for emergencies in the truck. Vastly greater range and voice quality over a cell phone.

To me, a phone is a phone. It's not a typewriter or computer. I had a terrible time last week when my son was in the hospital with an injured back, trying to keep up with my daughter-in-law as she sent me endless numbers of text messages keeping me up to date on his progress. Her "phone" has a keyboard, mine has numbers and menus that have to be pecked at repeatedly to send text. I finally called her and told her that if she wanted to talk to me, please CALL.

If you knew who I work for, you'd probably find this pretty funny.



07-12-2010, 06:06 PM
I'd still rather talk than text, even though I now have a keyboard.. Some can't understand why I don't respond immediately to their texts.

07-12-2010, 06:32 PM
The I phone is a phone, computer, GPS unit, calculator, camera, note recorder, music player,and much more rolled into one unit. I will be a while figuring out what all it will do. I get unlimited internet access with it.

Dandy, but will it shoot cast boolits?

07-13-2010, 05:08 PM
My son downloaded some guns, M-16, 1911, etc. The picture is on the screen and you make them fire by shaking the phone. The faster you shake the faster it fires. Now if I could get them to hit the target.

07-13-2010, 05:32 PM
I've the moto droid. I haven't shot any boolits with it yet but with my shooter app I know how much to hold over right or left to get it in the x ring. You've forgotten about the compass ,maps ,star maps ,every game ever played , date books ,weather,news ,email ,google ,and its about as fast as dsl. Oh yea , I forgot about the personal phone book as well as the self locating yellow/white pages.

I do hate it when I inadvertantly double post. But now that I'm past that glitch.

07-13-2010, 05:41 PM
My anchor to the world will be replaced soon because it's dying. I'll give it a fair chance. I'll set it out at 100 yards and use my Garand or a .22 rimfire- iron sights either way.


82nd airborne
07-13-2010, 05:56 PM
johnch, pelican makes a small little waterproof case, im not talking about a phone cover but an acctual pelican case. its light and not hard to carry, it also purges moisture. its saved my phone numerous times. well worth the $10

shooting on a shoestring
07-13-2010, 06:05 PM
I got my wife a Droid...its become her hobby.

I require a cell phone without a camera due to where I work. Cameras are a one-way ticket out the gate and off the payroll. Now days its getting very hard to get a new phone w/o a camera. People think they go together like lamps and light bulbs. I don't get it, and don't want to.

Smart phones are as time consuming and costly as shooting, but without the intrinsic fun.

07-13-2010, 06:06 PM
johnch, pelican makes a small little waterproof case, im not talking about a phone cover but an acctual pelican case. its light and not hard to carry, it also purges moisture. its saved my phone numerous times. well worth the $10

I will have to look into it

I was told Remington is bringing out a Balckberry / I Phone / Droid type phone that is water proof and shock proof

So I didn't want to invest in a new high tec toy phone till I found out if they realy are going to

But for $10
I can give it away if I buy a updated toy phone


07-14-2010, 01:58 PM
I find my IPhone to be one of the most useful tools that I own. Not every feature is as good as a stand-alone device (camera for example) but it has replaced a lot of other things I used to carry.

Some people like them, some don't - to each their own. But I find them very useful. I'm posting this from my iPhone.

07-14-2010, 05:06 PM
My son, daughter-in-law, 2 grandsons have I-phones. The older grandson got his on his 12th b'day, the younger on his 11th. The 8 year old granddaughter was told she had to wait until her 11th. They are all on the sons business account. Me? I'm shopping for a new battery for my 5 year old plain cell phone. You can't find simple cell phones any more. Several times a month I get slick advertising from my carrier wanting me to upgrade to one of those monsters with a full keyboard. Although I've got a ham license, I don't participate any more. I may have to do as Stew does and get a handheld.


07-14-2010, 05:21 PM
Thats the only way I can access the site when I'm not at work. Can ciew posts and reply check and send PMs. Just wish I could get on the chat with it.

07-14-2010, 05:53 PM
I have a cell phone, but when I go to the shooting range, it usually stays in the truck. Wife calls to see how I am doing and to chit chat, if I tell her she is disturbing me, she gets her feelings hurt. Now I just tell her I can't hear the phone ring with all that shooting . Wife and daughters send me texts, which really irritate me, I have to pay extra to receive texts, besides its a phone if you want to talk to me, call me, if I don't answer leave me a message, and no I won't text you back! To me the cell phone has become an annoyance. As my brother in laws says, its an electronic dog leash. I bought the phone for emergencies and to be able to call home when I travel, not to keep me busy.


07-14-2010, 10:55 PM
I was getting texts that were nothing more than Spam and I had to pay. I contacted my carrier and had text blocked. Has worked so far.


Down South
07-17-2010, 11:21 PM
I sometimes lone for the good old days when cell phones did not exist. Remember when you went for a week long hunting trip in the boondocks. Kiss the wife bye; hug the kids and no one heard from you till you got back. You didn’t have to worry about checking in every evening to let everyone know you were alright. I know cell phones have improved things but I still like the good old days.

07-17-2010, 11:45 PM
They are a mixed blessing. Like all change, it is not all good nor all bad, but it is inevitable.
I have a Droid x and like it. I do not however feel tied to it at all times. It gives me a convienent way to talk to my 16 year old daughter and my wife.
I have viewed this site on the phone but prefer a computer- bigger screen always better.

07-17-2010, 11:54 PM
Cell phones can cause embarassment: One cold but sunny day last winter I told Mrs. oksmle to bundle up real good & we'd go down to the airport & fly our Aeronca Champ. That can be a drafty situation in the back seat where she would be sitting so she put on a set of pink, long johns under her clothes. But when we arrived at the airport the Champ was being flown by another pilot friend so we decided to take our Cessna 150 instead. It has a very effective heater so she stripped down to her long johns & hiking boots and we began the aviating process. About forty-five minutes she made the comment that since we were about half way to the grandkid's home in Weatherford, TX., why don't we call on her cell phone & have them meet us at the local airport & they could buy us lunch. So she did, & we did. And we had completely forgotten about her wearing nothing but long johns & hiking boots. When she stepped out of the plane everyone got quite a laugh & somehow it was all my fault.
Point of the story is that prior to owning a cell phone this simply could not have happened.

07-18-2010, 01:10 AM
I use Ham Radio for emergencies in the truck. Vastly greater range and voice quality over a cell phone.



Is your Ham system analog or Solid state discrete electronics? That's why.

07-19-2010, 10:38 PM

Sorry, I missed this one. Yes, the Ham rig is analog, and FM to boot. It also has a 50 Watt transmitter and communicates with repeater stations located on mountain tops, using 20-50 Watt transmitters and gain antennas (they boost effective radiated power). You don't need 50 Watts out, though, if you have a clean line of sight to the repeater. I have worked a repeater at a distance of 80 miles using 5 Watts from a hand-held radio with a 1/4 wavelength (18 inches) antenna. It's an improvement over cell phones. If you have a good map, I was on the north east corner of the Sonoran Desert National Monument (south east of Phoenix), talking through a repeater on a mountain top half way between Phoenix and Payson, to a guy driving a truck south on I-17 just outside of Flagstaff. Voice quality was crystal clear.

I just found my next cell phone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIOIM6hHBk Gotta have it!



07-19-2010, 11:02 PM
Ha, ha!

The digital age is a big pile as far as communications go. 10 steps backwards in reliable quality.

Cheap junk is what digital is... :mrgreen:

07-19-2010, 11:35 PM
Ha, ha!

The digital age is a big pile as far as communications go. 10 steps backwards in reliable quality.

Cheap junk is what digital is... :mrgreen:

The problem is that the cell phone transmitters are too puny. Less than a Watt, if I'm not mistaken. That's OK if you're on line-of-sight with the cell tower and not too far away. If there are obstructions, (using the phone in your car, house, business, in the woods, etc., etc., etc.) the signal gets attenuated by the obstruction, then it sucks.

My satellite TV dish gets its signal from 23,000 miles away and works pretty well unless a storm cloud rolls through. It all depends on conditions. For that matter, so does Ham Radio.



07-23-2010, 10:34 AM
I live in an area that cell service is spotty at best. No 4G service, barely have 3G in some places.

If I am looking for 5 bars on my phone, I got to town. They have at least 5 bars and have decent cell service.

I prefer not having the phone going off and bothering me, so mine is for the few times I am on the road.

A HAM rig is what I am looking for these days, not sure of which one, but am talking to the local HAM club.

I try to not let technology run my life, instant this and instant that just takes too much time away from the other things I want to do.


07-23-2010, 12:17 PM
My wife dropped hers in the toilet (pre use thankfully) and everything worked except sound. She took the advice of relatives and buried it in dry rice for a few days and it now works. She wanted to get ins. on mine and my son's phones, but didn't think she needed it. I bought an Otter Box case for mine and it gives real good protection against bumps and bangs, but not liquids. My nephew ran over his with his truck with no damage in an Otter Box. It was accidental and I don't recommend trying it.

07-25-2010, 05:00 AM
My previous cell was an LG, dropped it in a stream in the mountains leaning out of the Jeep,
dried it out for a while and it worked fine.

08-04-2010, 02:37 AM
My first cell phone was a nokia analog model that was only a phone. It worked very well, even at the cabin on the goodpaster river.
The day came when I was told it would not work with the new system. The new Razr Phone was what I needed, it was both analog and digital.
A great phone, it would occasionally even work at the cabin, if you stood in the right place. It was also a (poor) camera.
But the day came when they were no longer servicing it, so I got one of these new fangled Phones that does way too much.
It was supposed to be good for what ails you. The @#&%$&* thing will not reach from the cabin to save your life.
I may go sattelite, I just keep waiting for the phones to get more afforbable. I don't use it enough to worry about the cost of the minutes.

Down South
08-04-2010, 08:02 AM
Remember the days of the bag phones. I had a Motorola that I used to carry with me on long trips up in the Rocky's. That was the only times that I ever used it. I'd pay to get service for a short length of time or rather to get it reactivated. It cost a lot to make a check in call late in the evenings. Those phones had some range to them.

08-04-2010, 11:21 AM
MY GF makes fun of my android, but she always uses it to surf on while going places. I think it weighs as much as a bag phone.

08-04-2010, 11:35 AM
Is your Ham system analog or Solid state discrete electronics? That's why.


I just re-read this and realize I didn't answer your statement/question properly.

Almost nothing is "solid state discrete electronics" these days. All communications equipment, transmitter or receiver (including TV, car radio, home stereo, etc.) includes integrated circuits. These are digital devices and usually provide performance far superior to discrete circuits, where each transistor, capacitor and resistor is a separate entity. ICs are also far cheaper, due to component density.

When I first answered this I thought you were talking about the over-the-air signal, which for most ham equipment is still analog. One company is starting to push digital equipment, which allows the users (assuming both ends of the radio path use digital-capable radios) to transmit data and other signals in addition to voice. Come to think of it, in the early days of ham radio, there WAS no voice communication. All communication was "digital", using a telegraph key to turn on and off the transmitted signal to send Morse code. The transmitted signal itself was a sine wave, but the communication method was digital.

As I said, digital cell phones suffer from two things: 1.) weak transmitters, and 2.) puny antennas. Bump up the power and enlarge the antenna and they work fine.



08-05-2010, 10:07 PM
Snowtigger: try a different provider, sometimes coverage is better.
My Dad had to drive a mile to the highway to get a signal.
One day the electric guys came to work on the line, one of 'em made a call with a different company,
(should I mention the name? It's 3 letters.)
my Dad turned his in and got that company, works fine now.
I have been using them for years 'cause it connects better in the mountains.