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08-22-2006, 10:33 AM
Well I finally made some good cuts on the lathe I got late last year. I got the lathe and then got busy with work and moveing and other projects. Then about the time I got the most of that cleared up I cut 2 fingers 1/2 way off on my right hand, and, you guessed it I am right handed. Screwed up some nerves cut some tendons, and now 2 surgerys later STILL in physical therapy, and fellers PT SUCKS. Anyway I went out in the shead last night and sharpened a cutter (HSS) and made some passes and it turned (he he) out ok. Thanks to all on this board who pointed me in the right direction last year when I begain this quest to make small peices from larger ones. JETWRENCH

08-22-2006, 11:00 AM
I just hope it wasn't the trigger finger and I hope you didn't do it on the lathe!

08-22-2006, 01:49 PM
Yep, trigger finger and the middle finger. I was working in a gas plant on an Ingersol natural gas engine. When a conecting rod pinched them between the cylinder wall and the conecting rod. I havent shot a gun since April. Sure miss it, trigger finger will be ok, middle finger, maybe 75%-80% when all is said and done.
Well got to go, time for PT[smilie=b: Jetwrench

08-23-2006, 02:24 AM
.............Dang Jet, bad luck! And PT is just legalized torture. Be sure to check out your therapist to make sure they don't have a big ole grin on their face. If they have lots of piercings, get a different one!


08-23-2006, 02:33 AM
Jetwrench, I used to work in a LNG plant and all our stuff was electric. We used to have two natural gas engines that looked like huge diesels but had not run in years. Had a catwalk that you could walk around the entire engine. One guy who was there when they ran said they were very noisy. Hope the fingers mend well.

08-23-2006, 04:38 AM
While I have met several PT's that have obviously graduated from the Josef Mengele School of PT, I got a good one. After three years of her hard work, I went from a wheelchair to able to walk almost normally. But you can tell right away who has the gift and who should be working in the warehouse. :mrgreen:
Just stick with it Jet, you'll get there.

08-23-2006, 07:15 AM
When I worked at the Sunoco Oil refinery we had a naturul gas powered jet turbine engine that produce a vacuum we needed for a process. It was probably about 70 feet long and 10 foot in diameter. Talk about noisey and the heat throwed off it.

Take care of those fingers.


08-23-2006, 09:53 AM
PT can be a pain, had surgery on both xhoulders, PT was about 3 months each time. Sometimes it is worth it , the last physical therapist I had could do anything she wanted to me.

08-23-2006, 10:47 AM
Guys pt hurts but it is helping. I got a guy and he has done wonders already, so I guess I got a good one.

Joe you talking about a MAB-Cat Cracker unit? Those things are LOUD. I usualy work on (since I quit aircraft) steam and gas turbines compressors, generators, pumps and gearboxes. Dont do a lot of receprocating work usually just rotating. Rotating is much cleaner work.

Frank that is the kind I am talking about. What plant did you work in if you dont mind my asking? JETWRENCH

The Cod Father
09-08-2006, 08:50 PM
Hey Jet

Sorry to hear about the attempted shortening of the fingers ,never any fun . Just be glad that they saved your trigger finger otherwise it would cost you a small fortune having short triggers put on your guns[smilie=1: :twisted:

Stick with the PT after being a car accident I spent 8years in Pt learning to move and walk again . They may be a bunch of sadistic SOB's but they know what they are doing .

Hang in there

The Cod Father

09-09-2006, 02:52 AM
JetWrench, I used to work for Con Edison in new york. They had an old compressor house that was used to pump gas through a 6' cast iron pipe under the east river. The pipe went down some 270 feet then through a tunnel that went through to their hellgate station. I worked on both recip and rotating pumps both in the navy and at con ed. The pistons had large copper bands in place of regular piston rings. there were on ancient recrip gas compressors. Then due to down sizing at my job ended up working at con edisons LNG plant in astoria queens. Spent three years there. All of their stuff was electric driven even the gas compressors. The gas turbine was 6000 hp and you never took your ear muffs off when it was running. It was a screamer to be sure. I always liked working on the old steam driven double acting fuel oil pumps. When adjusted right you could really get them moving a lot ofoil. Sad to say the last year at the oil depot we had started to remove them by cutting them up with torches and using a crane to put them in the scrap dumpster. Still have one or two of the brass mfgr's data plates.
They may have been dinosaurs but they were installed 1912-1920 and scrapped some in 1993. Frank

09-11-2006, 10:46 PM
.................Frank, seeing stuff like that happen kinda tears your heart out, doesn't it? Built back in the day when cast iron was king and mass was queen. They probably never missed a days work except for routine maint I'll bet.


09-11-2006, 11:24 PM
.................Frank, seeing stuff like that happen kinda tears your heart out, doesn't it? Built back in the day when cast iron was king and mass was queen. They probably never missed a days work except for routine maint I'll bet.


I went to a pioneer power show n Sunday. Lots of old engines ther, ant had run continuously for 80 years, before being shut down and replaced. I'll bet the new stuff is no where near as efficient.