View Full Version : Mold Inventory

07-01-2010, 10:06 AM
I've been casting boolits for for 37 years and selling them to other shooters for 25 years. During this time I have acquired a large number of molds. Lyman, H&G, Saeco, Lee, NEI, RCBS and Saeco. Also a bunch of Magma two cavity molds for thier Master Caster.

I started an inventory and found a few suprises. An RCBS two cavity 45-255-KT, FOUR Lyman four cavity 429421 molds :confused:, a Lachmiller three cavity 429250 and a bunch of one and two cavity Lee's! Also two four cavity NEI molds and there is a six cavity Nei 45 mold somewhere. Or I may have pitched it in the trash bin because I was unhappy with it. :confused:

I have taken a lot of things in trade over the years, but I never thought I had four of the 429421 molds! I knew I had two of them which I matched by milling off the top of one to match the other. :drinks:

Once I get the inventory done, I'll probably put a bunch of the extras and unused molds up for sale. :lovebooli

07-01-2010, 10:45 AM
I'll be watching for those 429421's!


07-01-2010, 11:31 AM
I had similar experience - although not to your degree. sometimes duplication was on purpose - more production of a particular bullet for example.

My wife wanted pictures of my inventory - digital camera's are the cat's meow.

Tom Myers
07-01-2010, 12:37 PM
For keeping track of your molds - Check this out

Precision Mold List Software (http://www.tmtpages.com/MoldListBuy/)

I've been casting boolits for for 37 years and selling them to other shooters for 25 years. During this time I have acquired a large number of molds. Lyman, H&G, Saeco, Lee, NEI, RCBS and Saeco. Also a bunch of Magma two cavity molds for thier Master Caster.

I started an inventory and found a few suprises. An RCBS two cavity 45-255-KT, FOUR Lyman four cavity 429421 molds :confused:, a Lachmiller three cavity 429250 and a bunch of one and two cavity Lee's! Also two four cavity NEI molds and there is a six cavity Nei 45 mold somewhere. Or I may have pitched it in the trash bin because I was unhappy with it. :confused:

I have taken a lot of things in trade over the years, but I never thought I had four of the 429421 molds! I knew I had two of them which I matched by milling off the top of one to match the other. :drinks:

Once I get the inventory done, I'll probably put a bunch of the extras and unused molds up for sale. :lovebooli

07-01-2010, 07:42 PM
I had similar experience - although not to your degree. sometimes duplication was on purpose - more production of a particular bullet for example.

My wife wanted pictures of my inventory - digital camera's are the cat's meow.

As I was selling boolits, I would always buy at least two four cavity molds. That way I could produce large quantities quickly. I always run three molds when casting. Today I finished a run of 45Colt-250-RNFPBB using two Lyman four cavity molds with the third being an H&G four cavity #68. When I get serious about the #68's, I break out two H&G eight cavities.