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08-18-2006, 05:36 PM
Let's have a happy thread.....

A couple days back, Starmetal contacted me in a PM, asking if I'd be interested in a rifle magazine he owned and which he thought was an M-14 magazine (which of course would fit my beloved M1A).

I was interested, assuming it was an original GI-production magazine. Joe said that he'd ship to me for my determination of its manufacture, and then if I thought it fit my needs, to send him whatever I figured it's worth!

Now, THAT is a very nice gesture, and much appreciated. Turns out that later discussion indicated that it is indeed a GI magazine, and I have already mailed Joe a Money Order in payment. (Sent it this morning, Joe.) Remember, he was going to send the mag at his own expense, with no certainty that I'd even buy it, just so I could look at it.....I call that mighty fine.

08-18-2006, 07:50 PM

I have found that most folks on these forums are like that. I have only been burned once in 3 years. Not bad.


08-18-2006, 08:44 PM
I've dealt with about a handful or more here on the forum. I'll name them even, Buckshot, Oldfeller, Jumpstrap, Deputy Al, Carpetman, Klaus, 45 2.1, BruceB, and more...never been burnt by any of those fellows.

I did do what Bruce said, just have that gut feeling he's a good guy...and he is.

I guess you just have to let your intuitions guide you.


08-18-2006, 11:36 PM
I've had dealings with three members here, that's about one per year, and all are standup guys. I asked a favor of Bass and he did what I asked and expected nothing in return, I bought a mold from 45-2.1 and everything went just fine, and lastly I bought bullet lube from Lar45 and he sent extra, then I asked for a sample of his BP lube, when it arrived there was 3 or 4 extra samples, never asked for shipping or anything! Guess where my next order for lube will be from.
And Joe lets me bend his ear quite often, he ain't asked for no money-YET!

08-19-2006, 08:16 AM
I agree that 99.9% of shooters are the finest and I feel the same way about all of you. Lar is one great guy giving up samples at his own expense and I have been showing all of my friends my results and passing out his order information. I gave a few samples of my samples to test for themselves.
Joe is a great guy but I can't limit saying this about just a few when the rest of you are all great guys too. I have to forget the one bad apple because just maybe, he plain forgot or is just too busy.
Good idea to post some happy thoughts!

08-20-2006, 01:21 PM
Have to agree with all of the above. Think that in general casters and cast shooters are above the average cut of just plain nice folks. You can see it in the threads. I have had dealings with some folks on this web that I will never see or know except via computer, and they have been just plain honest, sincere, straight forward straight shooters. Sure wish you could say that for the population in general.
1Shirt! :coffee: :castmine:

08-20-2006, 01:36 PM
I had one guy sell me a cylinder for a hs21 in 22 mag. Not only did he give it to be at a good price but when I contacted him to say the money order was on the way he said it was all ready shipped. There are good guys out there. The cyl was also in excellent shape as well.

08-20-2006, 01:48 PM
Now THIS is the kind of thread that I truly enjoy finding!

It's a great testimony to the character, and moral values of 99% of the members on this board.

Considering we have now passed 1,850 people in membership, I think all in all?




08-20-2006, 10:47 PM
Guys I live in Canada and one of the members out of Maine sent me a mould. Pay me what you think it's worth. Hell he sent it out of his own Country if that isn't faith in your fellow gunnut I don't know what is.
Thanks again Pepe Ray that old mould drops em like a damn. A hot damn at that,