View Full Version : Lee Mold Question Concerning Bullet Lubing

06-22-2010, 04:59 PM
I am looking at 2 different types of Lee Molds, but do not know which one to get.

I will be Pan Lubing to begin with, and will not be using liquid Alox!

Do the 'Tumble Lubing' bullet molds work well with Pan Lubing since they have 'Micro Bands' instead of standard lube grooves?

Are the Micro Band Bullets only meant for tumble lubing or am I ok?

06-22-2010, 07:56 PM
Basically the bullets are intechangeable as far as lube goes. If you are defanately not going to use TL I would get the non TL bullet. The only bad point I can think of is the lube grooves are shallow and sometimes when you size the groves are almost gone. I'm not sure how good the pan lube would stick to the TL grooves, especially if you size them shallower.

06-24-2010, 10:02 PM
I would avoid a tumble lube design if you plan on pan lubing.

06-24-2010, 10:11 PM
Yep avoid the TL design when pan lubing.

The real question is do you plan on sizing these boolits? So far the OP has not said what he is casting for and I think we could give better ideas if we knew what he hoped to acomplish!

06-24-2010, 11:45 PM
And frankly, the conventional designs work better even if you chose to tumble lube.

06-25-2010, 12:31 AM
And frankly, the conventional designs work better even if you chose to tumble lube.

My experience as well.

And I give a "third" to not trying to pan-lube TL boolits, although I've used plenty of them after lubing them in a lube/sizer.


06-25-2010, 02:26 AM
And frankly, the conventional designs work better even if you chose to tumble lube.

Agree. I've only found two boolits that have microbands that I truly like--and I don't just like those two boolits, I love them. But for the most part, the microband boolits and me don't always get along. I have a few other conventional design/groove boolits that I tumble-lube and it works out better than with my lubesizer.

But then again, me and pain-lubing don't get along either.
