View Full Version : Brass Vac

06-22-2010, 02:33 PM
After the 2010 TX State match I was surprised to see, two weeks later, quite a bit of the over 38,950 cases fired during the match still on the ground. Even with the guys that are nuts over the bag a nut, the wizards of the nut wizard and everyone from novice to master of the five finger discount on range brass having their pick, a lot was left. With the cracks in the soil growing this time of year I couldn’t see letting the brass become part of a potato crop in china so I decided to gather some myself.

I quickly realized why I was seeing spots with high brass concentration despite all of the methods used to collect it. If you are not on a flat surface neither the bag a nut or the wizard pick up the brass very well. The wizard will get a little more than the wide roller on the BAN will get but is quite a bit slower.

I decided to resurrect a project from the old days and put together my brass vac. It’s really quite simple, although the blower/vac can mulch you don’t want your brass all dinged up so it draws through a manifold with holes in the bottom so heavy objects (brass cases) fall into the first bucket and lighter stuff (grass and dirt) will pass through as normal. I just strapped everything to a 4 wheeled cart, using closed cell foam as a gasket. It’s not perfect but good for a first generation, 2 hrs and ¾ tank of gas gathered 12 gallons of brass.

If the ground is not almost perfect the Bag A nut will leave a lot behind


The nut wizard was able to pick up a hand full or two more than the BAN but still left a little gold mine behind.


Once you get it set at just the right speed the brass vac will pick up cases leaving heavy(er) objects on the ground.


I made a mount for the blower/vac, and the manifold to connect the two 5 gallon buckets, blower and shop vac hose together. I used 2” PVC for the extension.


Here it is ready to go except I did add a strap to keep the handle around 45 degrees so I didn’t have to bend down to pick it up, moving from one honey hole to another.


06-23-2010, 01:24 AM
Great Idea! If you don't patent the idea you will see many more of them next year at the 2011 TX State match.

06-23-2010, 12:42 PM
That is brilliant.
I thought my idea of using a driveway sweeper was smart, but that has got it beat all to heck

11-12-2021, 04:20 PM
I have used the Nut Wizard for years but I seldom have the fore thought to bring it with me now, but I have one of the HF Grabbers in my car, at my reloading bench, and in my shop 3 ea. and they are worth the $10 for sure.! They work really well for picking up shotshell hulls. I use a Walmart Shopping Bag to drop them into.

The Nut Wizard will pick up some gravel but if you learn to work it right you can minimize that. The key with the Nut Wizard is to get the cases in line with the tines and you don't need to "roll over" the cases, you can just stab at them which works as well and doesn't pick up as much gravel. Also frequently emptying the thing helps.


11-12-2021, 11:23 PM
Long time ago now but I remember buying that first one from the fellow that made them originally. Lots of different models even back then, larger and smaller than the one he sent me. He didn’t take debit/credit cards back then and just told me to send him a check. The Nut Wizard made it to me a day before my check made it to him. Looks like his website has been updated a bit.


I put mine on a telescopic paint roller handle and formed the handle of a 5 gallon bucket into the “dumper” shape.

Also had to replace the bulb and clean out the carburetor on that leaf blower just last week, not bad for 11 years of use…

11-16-2021, 06:04 PM
I use the Caldwell version of a nut picker. I like it.

11-16-2021, 11:37 PM
When there is enough I use the Caldwell version of the nut picker, but most of the time there isn't enough to worry about it I pick it up by hand. I do have an accessory that helps. It has a technical name, SWMBO! lol
She wants nothing to do with my reloading other than telling me to get hers loaded first and then shooting. But when we get to the range she starts right off looking for brass to pick up. Gotta love her!

kevin c
11-19-2021, 09:15 PM
That sock wizard is looking tempting…