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View Full Version : Deep DooDoo !!!!

05-09-2005, 06:25 PM
On Friday night I cleaned the beeswax I bought a couple weeks ago. I used the pot that we use to cook corn on the cob. I put the wax into a pair of panty hose and weighted it down then covered it with water. I heated the pan on the stove till the wax started to melt in the panty hose and rise to the surface. I turned off the heat and let nature take over and pretty soon I had 8 pounds of wax on top of the water. So far so good. I scooped the wax out and into 10 ounce throw away drinking cups and pretty soon had easy to handle hunks of beeswax. So far so good. On Saturday I rounded up the rest of the ingredients for Felix Lube. Needing a small pan I spied my son's boy scout mess kit. Perfect. got the mineral oil and stuff in the pan and stirring as the directions said. So far so good. Bout this time my wife found the pot from yesterday and starts to get a little cranky. Told her don't worry I'll take care of it in a little bit. Then she starts to cough a little saying something about sure is a lot of smoke. I said don't worry ... the directions said its gotta smoke a little or it won't be any good. So far so good. Then I got a good idea. I remembered to tell her happy anniversary. It always worked before ... right? Wrong !!!! She had just found her panty hose in the garbage. Hey ... I didn't know they were good ones. Got the lube finished and poured into some more cups and the kid comes home and finds his mess kit ..... WOW ... You would have thought I did something really bad.
Anyone here know how to clean beeswax out of a pot? I scrubbed till my arm about fell off and its still there. Maybe I'll just sneek in a new one and say I took care of it.

05-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Nighthunter, I did almost the same thing last week: Cleaned my bicycle chain and then used one of the Queen Bee's pots to melt the chain wax, but managed to get more on the pot than on the chain. To clean the mess, warm the pot enough to soften the beeswax and get as much as you can off with a paper towels or clean rags. Next, use something like Mr. Clean on a clean rag to remove the remainder of the wax. Scrub thoroughly with dish detergent or put it in the dishwasher if it's not aluminum. Lastly, buy your wife flowers and take her out to dinner!

05-09-2005, 07:44 PM
HOO BOY, don't you guys ever learn? Get some old pots and pans at a flea market or buy some cheap ones in the store just for your lubes. I NEVER mess with the wife's pots even if she never uses them. I bought a new all stainless BBQ, guess who is cooking now? Guess who cleans the BBQ?

05-10-2005, 01:43 AM
I keep a few tin cans around for melting obnoxious substances, annealing gas checks, etc. SWMBO bought some new fancy pans a month or so ago, and I wouldn't even wash them. It's a cold, late, spring here and it's still cold on the couch, so I don't want to go there.

05-10-2005, 02:22 AM
Nighthunter---They are becoming obsolete--now going to plastic--but find a metal coffee can. Cook your lube in it and ofcourse it will blacken the sides,thats good its easy to spot,put the lid on the same container you cook in for storage.

05-10-2005, 08:42 AM
Buy SWMBO a new set of kitchenware, get her to let you have the old stuff for your purposes. This may be expensive, but is good PR.

05-10-2005, 07:55 PM
Great Idea, Costco has a great set of stainless cookware, get that for the wife, while you're at it get her a really good set of knives we're talking Henkel or the equivalent. The domestic tranquility index (DTI) will soar. Take the kid on a weekend long fishing trip, (buy him a new mess kit too)
OK, you just spent the cost of a used Blackhawk but if you're any good at all you should be able to parley these acts of contrition into a new rifle before hunting season. This is a win win for all concerned. And I seem to recall in the instructions for Felix Lube the statement "DO NOT! USE THE WIFES COOKWARE! DO THIS OUTSIDE!"
oops, we forgot about the panty hose, You must have been taking instruction or some darned thing to screw up on this magnitude. I think the only thing that'll save your ass is to go shopping with wife in the company of your Mother In Law.
Good Luck

Bass Ackward
05-10-2005, 08:40 PM
Great Idea, Costco has a great set of stainless cookware, get that for the wife, while you're at it get her a really good set of knives we're talking Henkel or the equivalent. The domestic tranquility index (DTI) will soar. Bob

Boy oh boy,

I don't know where you guys found your wives, but if I was to buy mine a set of pot and pans, she would infer that I have not been satisfied with her current efforts and was hinting that I expected improvement.

Gift Giving Rules:
1. Never buy a woman kitchen utensils or things with power cords.
2. Don't break rule #1.

05-10-2005, 10:16 PM
"Don't tug on Superman's cape, don't piss into the wind and above all.....don't cross the management with your hairbrained loading schemes".

I found that out first time I spilled lead down into the pan under the electric burner on the stove.

What really clinched the deal was fingerprints from the old Ideal grahite lube on the light switches.

After that, I was expelled to the garage and inspected before I came in.

Don't have that one anymore and the new one is more lenient but still don't put up with no shennegans./beagle

05-11-2005, 12:25 AM
My wife's passion is cooking so I can float buying QUALITY cookware for her. My suggestion was meant along the order of; I don't know what in the world happened that turned me dumber than a four day old road killed possum but the very least I can do is to replace those old pans with some absolutely first class stuff. Of course if it was top flight stuff you goobered up I hope your couch is comfy, because she'll take the opertunity to make you squirm for a short while, say six or eight months. However she'll eventuslly get over it and only bring it up about six times a day.
If I screwed up one of the pans with beeswax I'd be , i don't even want to contemplate this any further.
Fill the pan with water. Boil the water. the wax will melt and float to the surface. soak the wax up with a paper towl while the wax is still hot or, better, set the pan aside for a while untill the wax hardens, peel the wax off and you're good to go. But you're still in deep dog poo. Jewlery might work, might not too.
I was reading in some of Elmer's writings where he exploded a pot of lead on the kitchen stove so you have a ways to go yet.:)
Rule #1; If i like a gun she can't shoot it, she'll shoot it better and like it more than me.

05-11-2005, 01:38 AM
I tell SWMBO to buy American whenever possible. Last shopping trip yielded two fine American pans for a total of $300, along with two free Chinese, but well made, pans. Look out, there is some really expensive stuff out there!