View Full Version : If you think a Lee 4-20 pot leaks......

06-14-2010, 06:22 PM
Well, I have a 4-20 and it leaks a little bit when heating up.. but I had somewhat of a disaster today.. I also own an older Magma Master caster (2006 ish) that I picked up from a non-casting friend.. He'd never used it.. but anyway I picked up three molds for the unit and wanted to start doing some 30 cal 165 FP's for my marlin 336.. so I had WW's in it to make into some nice quenched hard boolits... but I never got that far.. I put the temp up to about 700 deg and waited till things got molten...

Well they got molten and immediately the thing starts dribbling out of one spout.. then the other starts and I'm sitting there holding a steel bowl underneath trying to catch the double stream of hot lead (yes I had gloves on) while trying to stem the flow.. I hit the handle a few times, tried working the handle, tried doing everything but the double stream still keeps flowing.. finally I had to give up and just try to manage the double stream into the now getting heavy steel pan.. I drop that one and scramble for pan #2.. and after a bit IT gets too full so I just drop everything at that point and pull my exhaust fan from the window and just try to get the pot cooled off so the stream will stop.... I keep looking at the darn thing to see if there was some adjustment I could make and there was nothing I could do while it was still hot.. Finally it stops since it is now out of lead... all 40 pounds or so..

So I'm kind of at wit's end.. this is the second time this has actually happened (the first time I had the mold in the full upright position, yeah that was fun chipping the lead out of it).

So is there anything I can do besides go back to my 4-20? :D I did send an email to Magma, but the last time I did that it was never returned.. I guess the next step it to call them.. or listen to what some more experienced casters here have to say. :)

06-14-2010, 06:28 PM
Fill it with water and Borax and boil it out while stirring with a piece of wood scraping the sides and bottom,empty and refill, then reboil with just the water and let it cool, then you should be able to remove the internals and polish the valve seats and reassemble.

Is there a possibility of a missing weight or spring from the mechanism?

06-14-2010, 08:11 PM
anything is possible.. it came to me assembled and I assumed it was ready to go..

Magma emailed me back and told me to call in, so I'll do that tomorrow.