View Full Version : Did some more experimenting

06-14-2010, 06:16 PM
I did some more experimenting today, but this time with my 1885 in .45-70 with the .444" Baco Money bullet patched to bore.

I used Normal brass cut down to chamber length which seems about perfect for my chamber, as the fire formed cases are a snug fit for my patched bullets with no resizing.

I tried loads without a grease cookie (as I've been using in the .45-110) and instead used a wad stack composed of a 0.060" veg king wad, a 0.060" cork wad, and a 0.030" veg king. It seemed fine as long as the bullet was seated only 1/8" into the case.

I also experimented with paper thickness. I used both the BACO paper which works well in my .45-110, as well as some onion skin paper that came from a Hilroy pad from Staples. It runs thinner at around 0.0015".

Although none of the results were worth writing home about (best results were a bit more than 2 MOA at 200m), the .45-70 definitely showed a preference for the thinner paper.

If I've learned anything so far, it seems that seating depth is the most critical factor in shooting bore diameter paper patched bullets, at least in the modern style chambers that I've got in my rifles.


06-15-2010, 02:07 PM
If I've learned anything so far, it seems that seating depth is the most critical factor in shooting bore diameter paper patched bullets, at least in the modern style chambers that I've got in my rifles.
The majority of bore diameter patchers would agree with your seating depth.
The notable exception is Kenny W. He seats just shy of a half-inch.

Is your 1885 a Winchester/Browning product?


06-15-2010, 04:08 PM
The majority of bore diameter patchers would agree with your seating depth.
The notable exception is Kenny W. He seats just shy of a half-inch.

Is your 1885 a Winchester/Browning product?


I figured someone would mention that [smilie=l:

I wonder why that works for him. Maybe his interesting wad stack delays the bump up. I know he says his chamber is an original Shiloh, but of a slightly different design than what is currently being made. Perhaps that helps, or maybe it's something else entirely :-)

My 1885 is a C. Sharps.

BTW, I just found a couple of rolls of 8lb Seth Cole paper on ebay. Yet another thing to mess with.


Don McDowell
06-15-2010, 04:58 PM
You'll like that Seth Cole paper.
Alot depends on the bullet shape etc of what you can get away with with seating depth.
When I shot the KAL bullet in my C Sharps chamber it's seated so deep some questioned if I was shooting groove diameter, no well under bore diameter, and accuracy is decent.