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View Full Version : Marlin factory

05-09-2005, 02:31 PM
I started a new thread on the Marlin 38-55 as the old one has wandered somewhat.
I have just received a return phone call from Mr. Looney on my CB which has been to the factory twice and not fixed. The short of it is, Mr. Looney has been in Italy working on marketing a shotgun from there under the Marlin name. He apologized and gave me three options. One, the return of the purchase price. Two, I could have a brand new gun. Three, he would rebarrel mine, guaranteed. I chose the third option as there isn't anything wrong with the gun sans the barrel. Mr. Looney said he wanted to turn the situation into a more pleasant one, and would I except several boxes of loaded ammo and also the cost of postage both ways, the last postage refund is in the mail.
I asked for empty brass but he said liability constraints prohibited that. I hate to corrupt my gun with condums, but I'll sacrifice. Thanks all for support.
Horay for Marlin.

05-09-2005, 02:48 PM
singletree....sounds as if you've found the right man. I hope you resolve the situation and get a shooter this time.

That's the option I'd have chosen too./beagle

05-09-2005, 03:50 PM
Singletree--The post on Marlin had wandered so you started a new one. You informed us that a Mr Looney at Marlin was most helpful. Things weren't handled well when he was out of country. You may never know how much you helped someone with this info. Years ago at Shooters someone mentioned when you have problems with Bushnell to contact Leslie. My experience with more recent years Bushnell products is YOU WILL HAVE problems. Sure enough I had Bushnell problems. I still had problems even after sending them in and paying to have them fixed. Had them returned not working. I contacted Leslie and did get some problems handled that were not being handled otherwise. To this day I don't know if Leslie is male or female. When I have scope problems with Bushnell now days I contact Leupold and so I can remember the name I have it printed on the scope. Now your post may have seemed to wander. Not so,you can put a Bushnell On a Marlin---just be sure it has Leupold written on it for best results. If it has Bushnell written on it,send it to the MARLIN FACTORY they will probably make as good of repairs as Bushnell does. Did I mention I like Leupolds? Dont send them to the MARLIN FACTORY though.

05-09-2005, 07:52 PM
You dissapoint me, not one mention of cats or Purple Martins. Either of which could fix the Marlin problems.

I do think you will be plumb happy when you get your Marlin back as with the right bbl they are a great gun.

05-10-2005, 02:17 AM
KSCO---Singletree started a new thread about the Marlin Factory as the other one got side tracked. Now I really didnt talk about the Marlin Factory at all. But tried to make it seem as though I were. Now if I threw in a cat or a purple Martin Singletree would have been on to me.

05-10-2005, 12:31 PM
Yup, should have stayed with the original thread, it would have made more sense. I didn't keep in mind there are as many opinions as there are people. Sorry.