View Full Version : Decent find today

06-12-2010, 07:36 PM
Found a nice deal today at the local gunshow. Picked up a Beretta 92FS for a decent price. Dealer considered it "previously owned" as opposed to "used". Looks like it's unfired. I saved couple hundred on it as opposed to picking one up "new". Been wanting one for the last couple years as it's what I was carrying when I retired from the service. Had an empty holster on my old webgear that needed refilled :D


06-12-2010, 08:24 PM
Good deal. Anytime you can wait and find a good price on a gun that you have wanted for
a long time, it is a good day.

Beretta 92 is a reliable gun, but I still can't warm up to a 9mm that huge, and the safety
is a real PITA ergonomically. It is a decent, safe weapon but in all my shooting of it I can't quite
learn to love it like I have many other guns. It would be OK for it's purpose, and if I was
young enough to be in the military now, I wouldn't grouse at the gun (the cartridge, maybe
but not the gun).


06-12-2010, 11:40 PM
I carried one for about 12 years. Didn't like when they 1st came out ( I carried a S&W M15 before that). Learned to like it. Never found one that shot bad. Good for what it's job was.

06-13-2010, 07:56 AM
Hope yours shoots better than the one I had! I also carried this gun for quite a few years..

06-13-2010, 08:16 PM
Had it on the range this morning for a short time. Only put about 40 rounds thru it. More of a "function check" since I and the wife were on our way to someplace else.

With what is thought to have been put thru it before and what I put thru it today, it'll still need another 200 rounds for break in. Heck, blueing on the rails isn't even scuffed yet haha. Shows promise but nothing to brag about at 25 yrds (about 4-5"). About what I expected, being a bit rusty with it. No doubt once I get more range time with it it'll improve. I could easily pull off 2-3" at 25 yds with NATO ammo when I was in the service. Will need to drift the sights to the right a tad ( about 2") once it's broke in. Once my 9mm ammo order comes in I'll put more time into it.

Did put 20 rounds of my cast loads thru it. also showed promise. Still want to put a couple 100 jacketed factory thru it 1st for break in. Chunky gun that I remember and a ***** cat to shoot. My sig 225 has more felt recoil even though it's not much in that either. Years of shooting 45's make the 9mm feel like shooting a 22 haha

06-17-2010, 07:49 PM
Gun looks absolutely new.
Congratulations on getting a good deal on it.

Combat Diver
06-18-2010, 02:26 AM
While I hated trading in my M1911A1 for the M9 back in 87 then I went to Germany and had the M1911A1 again. Moved back to 5th SFGA during Desert Storm and carried a suppressed M9. Later learned to get real good with the gun and shot DA at 100m with it. Must have about 30-40K rounds thru several issued guns and was working toward my Distuingished Marksmanship Badge with it when I retired. I carry mine on safe and swipe off as gun comes up to target every time.


Enjoy your new sidearm.