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View Full Version : effortless case lube removal

82nd airborne
06-11-2010, 12:55 PM
I have found a method of case lube removal that is completely automatic, and requires no energy what so ever. Thsi is awsome because it is my least favorite part of reloading. It is patented, so dont try to steal it!

06-11-2010, 12:58 PM
I used to use the same method about 30 yrs ago... somehow I can't get it to work today!


06-11-2010, 01:06 PM
Themoose, move to the improved version, grandkids, I have a few that appear to be about the same age as that pictured.

06-11-2010, 01:27 PM
Yup...I've used it too. The problem is that they lose interest after about a dozen cases.

06-11-2010, 01:27 PM
82nd Airborne,
You should post your address so we can have your team process some brass. You might need another wagon...


82nd airborne
06-11-2010, 01:39 PM
sure, no need to put a return adress on it tho, ill put it too good use. she asks me every morning if she can "help me make bullets?!" she has a longer attention span for it than i do and does a decent job at it, however, she can scatter a box of primers across the garage in no time.

06-11-2010, 01:42 PM
Everything is fine, 'till they use the clothes to wipe off the brass, then Mom becomes involved.....


06-11-2010, 03:03 PM
I like the shoes, looks just like my 3yr olds shoes. She has allllll the princess shoes..

06-11-2010, 03:32 PM
With that red hair she could be an Irish lass from South Boston....[smilie=l:

82nd airborne
06-11-2010, 04:00 PM
Doby45, 5 dollars for 3 pairs! whats not to love about plastic princess shoes?
qajaq59, careful, sometimes she gets angry when people suggest shes not from the south!lol

06-11-2010, 05:00 PM
Well, I did say South boston..... LOL
And enjoy her while you can. If you blink she'll be 17 and heading off to college.

82nd airborne
06-11-2010, 09:28 PM

06-12-2010, 12:45 AM
What a little darling! A couple of my grandkids are that age or a little older. Just be sure to THOROUGHLY wash her hands with a good dish washing soap afterwards to get any traces of lead off before she sticks them in her mouth. Spare no effort in this regard.

Cute stuff!



06-12-2010, 12:46 AM
Listen when they say kids grow up too quick.
My oldest is now a Senior in HS, and the girls are 14. It doesent see but just a few weeks ago they were helping me "make some boolits".
Adaorable little girl by the way, and I still have a closet full of princess shoes......

06-12-2010, 01:31 AM
got my 9yr old adopted granddaughter helping me with pan lubing...She enjoyed punching the boolits out of the lube. Even with her willingness to help, I gave up on pan lubing after 3 days, to much of a pain for me. Couldnt convince her to start cranking away on the Lee turret press.

06-12-2010, 04:43 AM
Yup...I've used it too. The problem is that they lose interest after about a dozen cases.

WOW, I couldn't get near that many out of my kids.

LOL, they must have had ADHD.

06-12-2010, 10:37 AM
My daughter loved handing me brass when I was reaming the primer pockets.

She wasn't quite 2 at the time.

I haven't been doing quite as much reloading lately. If I were, I'm sure she would help.

And my daughter did not lose interest, but she would decide that handing me one case at a time wasn't efficient enough for her, so she started with the handfuls. :-D

82nd airborne
06-12-2010, 10:53 AM
she seems to enjoy it as much as she does for anything else. the only problem is that when i run out of cases with "sticky stuff" on them i have to spray some that dont need sprayed just to keep her happy. most of my brass gets lubed and wiped of at least twice if not more. my younger daughter cant help as she has an affection for trying to eat anything and everything. shes only1 tho, what can you expect. the older one can sit with her back to the tv and tell me what every call is on the outdoor channel! i think shes going to be a little tom boy! i think it helps that my wife does most of her own reloading, to the girls think its a mommy sport too.

06-12-2010, 11:27 AM
Darn it seems only yesterday I had help and I look up and my grand kids are in collage my oldest son will be 49 this fall and my baby boy is 45 6'3" 245# where did all those years go? Don't blink!
PS I have a red headed grand daughter sweetest kid in the world Red is Good!

John Guedry
06-13-2010, 05:11 PM
You are very fortunate my "little girls" are 42 and 39 never had any boys. But my grandson is 17 and a great kid to have around. Plus 3 grand daughters ages 6,10 and 13. Enjoy them now cause the're gone before you know it.