View Full Version : A new addition

06-09-2010, 05:32 AM
I visited my favorite gun shop a couple days ago to buy some ammo components that I had ordered that finally came in. Of course I had to look around and what did I see in the pistol case among all the L frames, Rugers and a plethora of semi autos but a loansome old Model 10-6 4 inch with some good honest holster wear. It called out to me and told me that it would like to go home with me so after some negotiations it did. From what i could see it probably was a duty gun that was carried a lot and shot little. It is nice and tight and today I shot it for the first time using some hand loads consisting of a 125 gr Lee RF bullet over 3.5 gr of WST. This is far from a hot load but really a nice plinking load. The first time I touched the trigger I found that it has a great SA trigger (by far the best I own). I was shooting at a man silhouette target at 15 yards and put 30 rounds in the 10 area of the chest. The first six were fired SA and went into a 1.5 inch group at POA. The rest of the 30 rounds were fire DA and all of them were in a 3 inch group in the 10 area of the chest. I put the last 20 rounds SA into the head making a 2 inch hole in the middle of the head. For a plain jane fixed sighted 39 I could not be happyer.

06-09-2010, 08:37 AM
Good for You!

Ain't great when you find an old gem, that shoots like that!

shooting on a shoestring
06-09-2010, 09:58 PM
Gotta love that non-magnum performance.

06-10-2010, 01:19 AM
..............I just love those K Frame 38 Specials, even though I'm not much of a pistol guy. A local gunshop had 2 M10 Smiths in the case side by side. One was a 4" heavy barrel with fixed sights, and the other was a 6" tapered (unlugged) pinned bbl, fixed sights. The 4" was affordable for me at $375, but the tag on the 6" (which I was lusting for) was $650. Both pistols were very close to being like new. I asked about the large price disparity as they both appeared in the same condition. I was simply told that the slim tubed 6" version was much more rare.


06-10-2010, 01:32 AM
Buckshot, if thats the model you are after, haunting the internet auction sites for a while will usually turn up one for a much better price. I bought a very decent 6" tapered 5 screw model last year for $160 off the net. It was missing the origional grips, but that was quickly cured. It has been an excellent shooter for me.

06-10-2010, 02:11 AM
Sound great, I would love to find a deal like that. I had a chance to fire a friend's model 15 and have wanted one ever since.
