View Full Version : Pathcing Material Option

06-08-2010, 01:46 PM
Last evening when looking in the fabric store for shearling material to make a cheek pad for my . trade gun, I found some material other than pillow ticking worthy of consideration. As I had my micrometer with me, I was able to measure several different !00% cotton fabrics. If you need something heavier than .018", consider muslin and denim. I purchased a remnant of the former, which mics .022" - .023" uncompressed and looked at denims that were .022" - .023" and .024" -.025". Calico, which is printed on 1 side, may sometimes be found in the sale bin as well and will measure .018" to .022" depending on the manufacturer and weight. In short, there are plenty of options if you need a given patch thickness.

06-08-2010, 06:21 PM
Yeap, 'ticking' is not so common here so I tend to favour 100% cotton drill or denim and take my trusty micrometer with me to the fabric store.

In fact, my wife just wore through the seat of a pair of her jeans. Jokes about her butt not withstanding it was rather fortuitous as the 'good' parts of the fabric mic at 21 thou which was absolutely spot on for the .54cal GPR I am baby sitting. 4 shots into an inch at 50m over 70gr GOEX 2Fg on Sunday just gone. The jeans get to live again.

06-08-2010, 06:48 PM
Jeff, The manager of the fabric store remembered me and said something like, "You're the gun patch guy." He and the store personnel have been most helpful, especially after seeing the micrometer.

06-08-2010, 08:43 PM
I've used things straigt out of the closet in fact I don't buy patch material. An old cotten dress shirt material hold up well if you need a thin patch and BDU material is a little thiner than Denim but just about as strong.

06-09-2010, 01:25 PM
I have used muslin, duck and drill for many years. I still have some Muslin and drill left. A yard of the stuff lasts a long time and costs about the same as what they may ask for those little packages of 100.


06-12-2010, 12:53 PM
I go into the local JoAnns fabric store and get what I need seems I am not the only guy who shops there for patching material, cleaning patch material etc.

06-12-2010, 02:15 PM
shdwlker, JoAnne's where I'm known as "the gun patch guy."