View Full Version : Top Shot

06-06-2010, 10:01 PM
Right now on the History Channel. If your interested

06-06-2010, 11:36 PM
I saw it and I reckon Mike and Brad figured Kelly was just a punk kid. Kelly smoked that fool.

06-07-2010, 01:16 AM
Wish I got the History Channel, would really like to see this.
Don't ever underestimate a young shooter. That is why we run separate classes at our shoots. The youngsters would consistently kick our butts, and we like to place well occasionally!

06-07-2010, 02:19 AM
That was interesting. Mike was peaking! he kept looking to watch the exploding targets blow up, no wonder he couldn't hit anything! I'm going to keep watching that show. I wish I was 30 years younger, I'd love to try that!

Remarkable ultra slow motion video of the bullets exiting the rifles, and hitting the exploding targets.

I wonder if that was filmed at the front site range? Looks like the terrain I've seen on that show before.

06-07-2010, 02:43 AM
Don't ever underestimate a young shooter. That is why we run separate classes at our shoots. The youngsters would consistently kick our butts, and we like to place well occasionally!

At the last Senior Oly's (I shot TERRIBLE!) we had lots of good shooters, including one OF (older than me!) who was World Champ at one time, and so forth. So who shot the best score? Well they made a mistake and let a 16-year old kid shoot along with the OF's, and he beat 'em all.

(I was shooting lead in my 1917, and my spotter was watching the boolit go down range, into the target, and on to the berm. At least I gave them something to talk about)

(The kid is younger than my granddaughters!)

06-07-2010, 11:19 AM
Check out the discussion on shooters.com section.

06-07-2010, 12:12 PM
I watched it. It was ok a little too much drama for me. I have to say that Im happy that there is a main stream T.V. show showcasing the shooting sports.

06-07-2010, 12:26 PM
When Kelly and Mike had practice with the SEAL sniper before they went to their shoot off, Mike took it serious and shot a very small group. Kelly shot a smiley face at distance to be funny, but the members thought it was arrogant. The kid can shoot. That shooting he was doing is his forte...distance, with a scope, in wind.

Mike doesn't live far from me. Maybe I'll give him a holler have him over. He seems like an okay guy. I'm sure he was just nervous on the show being it was filmed and stuff.

06-07-2010, 12:30 PM
Win or lose, I give them all credit.
I cannot even imagine what it must be like to fire under television scrutiny.
Talk about an unique pressure.

06-07-2010, 01:58 PM
I have shot in big matches many times, and I figure that (personally) if I shoot to
about 85% of what I can do at home matches or in practice, I'm doing good. Stess from
big matches is real, and a few times I have personally beaten the pressure (NOT beaten
myself!) it feels really like a big win, knowing how easy it is to fall apart under pressure.

I once watched a friend that is a great shooter just crumble under the strain at a bigtime
big money match, it was a real learning experience for me. I was never good enough to
win the big matches, it felt good to just place midpack or in the top 50 to 100 shooters in
a huge national match. I recognized that while I could shoot, I didn't have the time to
polish up to the level that it takes to get to the top 5% in a national match. Just didn't
have the personal committment to the work it would take - may not have had the natural
talent, either, hard to be sure. I didn't care enough, for sure.

I feel sorry for the guy (Mike) that fell apart under pressure, but I don't think it would have
happened to me, but hey - pretty hard to be sure.

06-07-2010, 02:28 PM
Mike was evidently not cut out for the show to begin with.

He fell apart during the team challenge and the elimination challenge.