View Full Version : Meet Bill

06-06-2010, 11:43 AM
Some of you may remember mid summer of 2009 I was invited by some of the locals here to go frog giggin'. Bill was one of the guys who invited me along, we gigged on his property as well as a few other properties. In september 2009 Bill was dove hunting and got the full force of an overhead powerline electrical charge through his body, he was in a coma for 31 days, and lost both legs below the knee, lost almost total function in his right hand, and partial function in his left. I saw Bill yesterday for the 1st time since his accident at my neighbors birthday shindig. He's in surprisingly good spirits considering everything that's happened to him, in his words, "it could have been a lot worse, you just have to look at the good side of things, I mean, just look at all the killer parking spots I get now! " LOL, this guy is a champ!
Bill is a lifelong hunter, hunted every season every year for decades, but he had never bagged a turkey, until now! Have a look at this.
Make sure your speakers are up.

There's a lot to be learned from Bill. I feel honored to call him friend, and be called friend by him.

Down South
06-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Congrats for Bill. You can be amazed at what people can overcome.

An old buddy of mine was a highline man back years ago and got into full highline voltage. He was lucky to live through it but he lost both legs and one arm. To this day he is still an avid hunter and fisherman. He has artificial legs and does fairly well with them. Watching him bait a fish hook is a trip.

06-06-2010, 08:31 PM
Here's to Bill!