View Full Version : Any way to determine whether lube was overheated?

06-01-2010, 09:00 PM
I recently heated up some NRA 50/50 and accidentally allowed all the water in the double boiler to evaporate. I got to it fairly quickly ( < 5 minutes) and removed the heat. But, I"m now wondering:

a) if the lube is ruined
b) how to tell if the lube is ruined
c) what the consequences of using overheated lube are

06-01-2010, 10:31 PM
Yes, there is a very easy way....... test it at the target!

There have been several "Is my lube no good?" threads where the poster never even tested the lube.

Asking if your lube is no good before testing it is like asking what size groups you'll get before you shoot. No one here can answer that.

Theory guides, but experiment decides. Try your lube and see how it works. It pains me to see folks searching for assurance/confirmation of success before they've put anything to the test. Have some confidence in yourself, your abilities, and give it a try. Good luck.

06-02-2010, 12:32 AM
Your lube is probably fine. especially for the short time.
Take a putty knife and dig down to the bottom of the pan.
If it looks and feels like 50-50 on the bottom then I wouldn't worry about it.
If there is a thick nasty tar on the bottom, then you probably got it too hot for too long. If this did happen, melt the lube and carefully pour the lube into another container. The heavy tar will be the last to pour off. Watch for it and dump it into a cardboard box for disposal.

The first lube poured off should be fine. If it smells like it was burnt, you might want to use it for flux, but try some first.

If Alox is overheated it can put off a very nasty smoke. Make sure you have good reliable temperature control and don't leave melted lube unatended. Wasn't there a story here several years back about a guy that burned down his garage making lube?

06-02-2010, 07:28 PM
Try your lube and see how it works.

Thanks for the answer Sag,

Well, that was part of my original question... what would the consequences of bad lube be? Barrel leading (the write up on NRA 50/50 said that almost ANY lube can prevent leading)? Poor accuracy (by how much? Enough for me to notice?)?

06-02-2010, 07:30 PM
Your lube is probably fine. especially for the short time.
Take a putty knife and dig down to the bottom of the pan.
If it looks and feels like 50-50 on the bottom then I wouldn't worry about it.
If there is a thick nasty tar on the bottom, then you probably got it too hot for too long. If this did happen, melt the lube and carefully pour the lube into another container. The heavy tar will be the last to pour off. Watch for it and dump it into a cardboard box for disposal.

The first lube poured off should be fine. If it smells like it was burnt, you might want to use it for flux, but try some first.

If Alox is overheated it can put off a very nasty smoke. Make sure you have good reliable temperature control and don't leave melted lube unatended. Wasn't there a story here several years back about a guy that burned down his garage making lube?

Thanks Lar,
Good info. Actually, this experience has pretty well convinced me to buy your lube sticks (once I finish with your Alox).


06-02-2010, 09:30 PM
NRA 50/50 is pretty good lube. I imagine that you'd really have to do more than slightly overheat the lube to damage it in any noticeable way. As Lar45 said, if it still looks like 50/50, then you're in the clear. There's a reason for the literally hundreds of lube recipes out there-- hundreds of different lube recipes work very well.

If you're really worried... then how big a batch of 50/50 was it? It takes time for things to overheat. The rate of thermal transfer in a double boiler once the water evaporates has got to be very low. It seems unlikely that anything damaging could happen in less that 5 minutes-- I doubt you have anything to worry about. Enjoy your lube and good luck!