View Full Version : Not to add to the lead panic...BUT

05-28-2010, 08:29 AM
Here in Wisconsin I have had pretty good luck collecting lead over the past year. The most I've had to pay is $25 for a full bucket of wheelweights. Some I get for free or $10-$20/bucket. I always ask about the rumored switch to steel or zinc weights. The guys usually have said that it was coming in a year or so. This week 1 of the guys said that they had received a letter telling them that they were supposed to make the switch. I am not sure if it was a corporate or a government directive. I have already collected enough to probably last my lifetime unless I seriously increase my shooting, but I am going to continue scrounging what I can. Like many of you have said, "Money in the bank". If you don't think you have enough (and you probably don't), now is the time.

05-28-2010, 10:09 AM
It's an unfortunate situation that all casters will eventually have to face. It is just not economically feasible to manufacture and distribute lead and non-lead weights.

05-29-2010, 01:19 PM
I agree. I keep telling guys, get what you can & 25c/# is a good deal right now. Going forward, you'll see more & more non lead ww as large chain stores switch over & car manuf move to non lead ww. Within the next 5yrs, I predict lead ww will be a thing of the past. Then we use range lead or buy commercial metals. Free alloy is going extinct & cheap right behind it.

05-31-2010, 06:55 PM
Here in Wisconsin I have had pretty good luck collecting lead over the past year. The most I've had to pay is $25 for a full bucket of wheelweights. Some I get for free or $10-$20/bucket. I always ask about the rumored switch to steel or zinc weights. The guys usually have said that it was coming in a year or so. This week 1 of the guys said that they had received a letter telling them that they were supposed to make the switch. I am not sure if it was a corporate or a government directive. I have already collected enough to probably last my lifetime unless I seriously increase my shooting, but I am going to continue scrounging what I can. Like many of you have said, "Money in the bank". If you don't think you have enough (and you probably don't), now is the time.

Where are you at in WI. I just heard the same thing around Sauk City