View Full Version : Dillon Super Swage 600

05-25-2010, 03:48 PM
I recently purchased a used Super Swage on FleaBay. I paid about $70.00 for it, and thought I got a great deal. When it arrived, I discovered that it did not have all the parts. The super swage was set up for .308 cases, and had none of the small parts needed for .223 cases. So, I had to purchase $40.00 in parts from Dillon. Now I have paid slighlty MORE than the cost of a NEW tool. Oh well, my own stupidity. That being said, my observations of this tool are:

The Dillon Super Swage is an excellent tool! I am now able to swage about 600 cases an hour. This is a huge improvement over the tedious task of hand reaming each case with an RCBS deburring tool. Also, my fingers don't bleed after a couple hours of swaging!
Something I did notice that I have not seen mentioned....When swaging cases for 9mm, I noticed that some of the cases did not fit in the swager, and the locating rod had to be backed out to get these cases to fit. I have read on other forums that this was a big problem for some folks, and that it was due to different case lots. Well, what I discovered, is that some of the flash holes have a bit of a metal tang on the inside of the case. this was causing the problem. What I have found is that tapping lightly on the case with a piece of wood when it's on the locator rod will flatten out the tang enough to fit the case into the swager. This eliminated the need to readjust the swager. Overall, I love the swager, and I highly reccommend it!

05-25-2010, 04:12 PM
I have had one for about 25 years. It has processed 10s of thousands of 5.56 and 7.62. I did break the part that the rod screws into. A call to Dillon had a free new one in the mail to me.

05-25-2010, 04:28 PM
I bought mine and it came with the factory tape on the box and a few parts missing. Called them up and two days later I had the parts, no questions asked, other than what my address was.

05-25-2010, 10:42 PM
I got one at an auction for $5 :) It works great...

I had a RCBS swager also and sold it after getting the Dillon.
