View Full Version : 590lbs

05-18-2010, 01:39 PM
of range scrap. Four 5 gal and two 4gal buckets full to the brim coming out of the indoor sheriffs dept range. My guess is that 80% lead and 20% jackets.

Took about 90 minutes to clean out the traps and haul the buckets to the truck. I figure I will be feeling my back in the morning. LOL.

Time for a shower and head out to get propane and buckets...owe the rangemaster 3 buckets and I dont think I will get these emptied by tommorow.

05-18-2010, 01:52 PM
That's a good hall. Your estimate of 80% useable is pretty close. Hopefully you wore a resperator while cshoveling out the trap, lots of lead dust in there.

05-18-2010, 02:49 PM
I hate you! not really. Good find. Every dog has his bone to find.

05-18-2010, 03:11 PM
of range scrap. Four 5 gal and two 4gal buckets full to the brim coming out of the indoor sheriffs dept range. My guess is that 80% lead and 20% jackets.

That's pretty close but I would guess 75% lead/20% jackets/5% other. I just did a
small batch and it came out like this. Other is dirt/rocks/sand/etc.

05-18-2010, 04:43 PM
Is that actual weight? In my experience 4 gallon buckets an inch or two from the top are going 120-140. 5 gallon buckets similarly filled are well over 150.

05-18-2010, 06:39 PM
Is that actual weight? In my experience 4 gallon buckets an inch or two from the top are going 120-140. 5 gallon buckets similarly filled are well over 150.

Is that for WW or range scrap? Those numbers look pretty close to what I have picked up for WWs. This is all pistol scrap...factory ammo with about 95% of it 40 S&W

Just smelted the two smaller buckets 80/85lbs each before smelting. Ingots came out just over 100lbs. So, based upon this round of smelting, this should produce about 60% lead...around 350lbs total.

Should be able to clean out the traps every 3 or 4 months.

05-18-2010, 08:06 PM
Is that for WW or range scrap? Those numbers look pretty close to what I have picked up for WWs. This is all pistol scrap...factory ammo with about 95% of it 40 S&W

Just smelted the two smaller buckets 80/85lbs each before smelting. Ingots came out just over 100lbs. So, based upon this round of smelting, this should produce about 60% lead...around 350lbs total.

Should be able to clean out the traps every 3 or 4 months.

That's indoor range scrap. Every bucket is different, but I figure the stuff I get to be 25% jacketed, 25% commercial cast and 50% .22's over time. Sounds like you get way more jackets than I do.

05-18-2010, 08:51 PM
No 22's or cast on this range. All jacketed bullets. Ive got half of a 5 gal bucket full of jackets after doing the 2 4gal buckets...

05-18-2010, 09:29 PM
I have been doing out door range lead from a sand bank . And I get about 50 percent lead out of the mix . Marvin

05-18-2010, 11:28 PM
No 22's or cast on this range. All jacketed bullets. Ive got half of a 5 gal bucket full of jackets after doing the 2 4gal buckets...

Yeah, the .22s break up pretty good and make a lot of fines. That keeps my buckets pretty dense.

Still, what you have is well worth the effort. Good alloy and a steady source... Stack it deep!

05-19-2010, 01:52 PM
Did a rush job on smelting this morning and got through another 3 buckets...1 bucket to go. Had to open up floor space in the garage and ingots take up less room than the buckets...LOL.

Got some nice 10-20 pound ingots, said to heck with the muffin pans and started pouring into 9" cake pans. Figure once I get rid of all the jackets, will resmelt, flux and pour into 3lb ingots. Up to about 320lbs of lead with 100lbs of scrap to go. May get it finished by tommorow or the next day.

05-19-2010, 04:32 PM
Did a rush job on smelting this morning and got through another 3 buckets...1 bucket to go. Had to open up floor space in the garage and ingots take up less room than the buckets...LOL.

Got some nice 10-20 pound ingots, said to heck with the muffin pans and started pouring into 9" cake pans. Figure once I get rid of all the jackets, will resmelt, flux and pour into 3lb ingots. Up to about 320lbs of lead with 100lbs of scrap to go. May get it finished by tommorow or the next day.

My back really hurts! No, it really does from some work and my smelting yesterday. It's
about 20% of what you are doing. I hope you are young and strong. :holysheep

05-19-2010, 08:16 PM
If you are moving them over flat concrete a skate board makes moving them a lot easier. I got two free buckets one day by moving both to the truck in one trip. I used two skateboards. The shop owner laughed and tossed two twenties into the coffee-do-nut kitty.

05-20-2010, 01:55 AM
My back really hurts! No, it really does from some work and my smelting yesterday. It's
about 20% of what you are doing. I hope you are young and strong. :holysheep

Not young or strong. Feeling all the old injuries the Army gave me...knees were killing me after going up and down stairs all day, lower back hurts and shoulder is giving me problems again. A few Motrin ought to solve it.

Just want to get it done and look at the shiny ingots...Satisfaction in a job complete...and will feel even better feeling the recoil.

zomby woof
05-20-2010, 05:15 PM
Our indoor range goes through 2 tons of scrap a year. I know the guy who sells it for scrap and the proceeds go to the junior program. he sells it to me for $.08 per pound. I'm finding a way to cut down on my WW consumption and blending RS. It's fairly hard, not pure by any means. It is a more stable supply vs WW. A little messy to smelt though.

05-26-2010, 12:00 AM
finally finished up. 125 ingots weighing just over 3.5lbs each. Total haul 468lbs of lead and 2 5gal buckets full of jackets.