View Full Version : OM SuperBlackhawk for new Ruger .22 ...wouldja trade?

05-15-2010, 07:44 PM

05-15-2010, 08:37 PM
I recently got a Super Redhawk in .44 Mag SS 7 1/2" Barrel, 50 loaded rounds, 50 empty brass, 150 Jacketed bullets, and RCBS dies for $400. Deals are out there if you are patient. I still dont think $400 is bad for a 3 screw Blackhawk. I just happened to get pretty lucky on my SRH.

05-15-2010, 09:05 PM
I don't think I would do it. The poly rib sounds pretty hideous to me.


05-15-2010, 11:11 PM
Depends how much you covet the gun. I had a new model Super Blackhawk with a Polychoke rib on it for a while. All it did was make it harder to keep the exterior of the barrel clean, but you won't notice it while shooting it.

Ask him how much boot he is willing to throw in.


05-15-2010, 11:16 PM
I don't think I would do it. The poly rib sounds pretty hideous to me.


Bill, I think they are pretty easily removed. And yes, they ARE hideous... :shock:

05-16-2010, 03:53 AM
Trade for the SUPER; then remove the rib and go shooting.

I HAD a SUPER that some bozo had cut to 5.5 with no front sight, a block of red plastic in the rear sight channel and the hammer checkering filled by brazing. He tried fanning it a la Clint Eastwood, but the magnum ammo didn't work as well as blanks! The action job was super. I had a new set of sights installed and it was great. I lost the gun in a burglary several years later.

:Fire: :cbpour::redneck:

Lloyd Smale
05-16-2010, 07:34 AM
a 3 screw super in about any condition is worth at least 400 bucks. I agree on getting rid of that rib and id also ditch the red sight. Id trade him send it to ruger and have them install a new front sight and reblue it. For not much money youd end up with a perfect shooter.

05-17-2010, 05:26 AM
a 3 screw super in about any condition is worth at least 400 bucks. I agree on getting rid of that rib and id also ditch the red sight. Id trade him send it to ruger and have them install a new front sight and reblue it. For not much money youd end up with a perfect shooter.

UNCONVERTED LOCKWORK! RUGER would convert it and then reblue it...Yuck!

Try it with the red insert sight...maybe have someone put a black insert in it or have it milled to accept changeable sights like the factory guns in stainless. (I had Jim Stroh (ALPHA PRECISION) mill the front sight on my old model SUPER that way...and add a BOWEN Target rear sight and do an action job. Put the ivories on it and I'm looking good!)

:cbpour: :redneck:

05-24-2010, 12:42 PM
I would trade a new Ruger 22 autopistol for a good Ruger OM SBH every day of the week and pay no attention to whatever few dollars difference there might be. Too many folks worry about the dollar bottom line of the trade and not enough about the content of the trade. The Ruger OMSBH will go up in value and the new 22 will do down in value. So, whatever differences there might be today won't be there a few years down the line.

I would knock off the rib and send it back to ruger for reblue, when they do well and cheap.

Yes, they will install the new lockwork, but they will return the old parts to you if you ask them to. If you don't trust them, just take out the old parts before you send it in.

Be aware that Ruger will stamp the frame of every pistol then convert to the new lockwork and if you reinstall the old parts and send it in again, they won't work on it. The solution is just to keep the new parts in a sack and reinstall them if you every want or need to send the pistol back to Ruger again.

I paid $275 for my OMSBH, but that was in 1993. I would be happy to pay $400 for it today.

05-24-2010, 04:10 PM
Trade, remove rib, re blue, enjoy.


05-24-2010, 04:16 PM

I want to say something about what happen to me when I sent my OM Ruger 45 Colt into Ruger for a 45 acp cylinder fit. Take in mine now that I worked the action to perfection. I light light crisp trigger etc.. When I got it back, such as you said, the new lock work was installed in it, and my old parts returned. I was plenty mad. So I put my old parts back in. Guess what? They weren't the same anymore, no crisp clean breaking light trigger!!!!! Ruger had done something to them that wasn't obvious to the eye. If I ever send one again it will be without the trigger and hammer.

Oops almost forgot. I'd go for the OM Ruger. Never know that epoxy might not have messed up the bluing. You'll have to remove it with the proper solvent.

05-24-2010, 05:08 PM
lets see they don't make the old model super blackhawk any more. they are still cranking out the mklll .22's no brainer trade.

but i would not send it back. i would not reblue it. i would make a steel insert for the front sight to replace the plastic one. the rib put the pistol in the freezer for a few days then take it out and fire it most times going from the cold to sudden hot from fireing the rib falls off.

05-24-2010, 05:18 PM
I'd do that trade!

Might be a flat top.

06-01-2010, 08:29 AM
Don’t feel too bad.

I personally would send it to Ruger; they should get it safe and shooting for FREE. Yes it will come back with a transfer bar, but the gun will function just fine, and it should not cost you one more penny. Then you can keep it or trade it off again.

Just give Ruger a call, aand say you have one of their guns that does not work right, they will take care of you from there.

Edit) Actually seeing as it is a 3-screw they will take it back happily to work on the internals. The will also pull of that ugly barrel thing along with any other aftermarket stuff and replace it with factory originals.

06-01-2010, 11:28 AM
About 1995 I sent an OM Blackhawk with rusted barrel and cylinder to Ruger. The installed a new barrel, cylinder, converted the lockwork, reblued and installed new grips for less than $150 bucks. It is probably a little more now but still a bargain.

I reinstalled the original lockwork and it worked fine. The converted lockwork is not the kiss of death and can be worked on to give a decent trigger pull.

We have all made trades that when standing in the waters of calm reflection proved to be a bone headed thing to do. Nobody is chuckling at your plite..been there...done that!

06-06-2010, 11:03 PM
I'll be the odd man out I think that vent rib looks pretty good. I resembles the King gun works conversions on SAA revolvers. Kings was before my time but I saw pics of a few of them in an article recently and thought they looked sharp.

As far as OM parts I think I would hold out awhile and see what turns up. If nothing shows up then go with Ruger either way your going to wind up with a shooter. It may not be as good of a deal as you originally thought but IMO you did'nt get hurt bad at all on that deal.

One other thought is shoot S.R. Custom a PM that's right up his alley he may be able to fix you up or point you in the right direction for OM part's. FB

06-07-2010, 02:24 AM
The rib doesn't look that bad but yes Ruger might yank it if you send it back.

I hate it when someone thinks for me, especially when they are wrong!

Think the SR customs Idea a good one! I much prefer the old Ruger lock work to the transfer bar style after all safety is in the head not in the gun.

06-07-2010, 12:41 PM
I personally would quit beating yourself up about it. You still have a great gun that is sure to be a great shooter. check out your local gunsmiths and see what they can do and If you just can't stand the gun I'm sure you can sell pretty easily. It may take some time and a little more cash but I think You did ok

10-08-2010, 01:11 PM
Did they remove the rib?

10-08-2010, 01:22 PM
Jump fast before he wakes up


12-23-2010, 11:11 AM
All OM conversions have the regular BH hammer. Ruger never made a wide spur conversion hammer available; only the narrow one. If your friend ever needs any of the original lockwork parts, there are several guys over on www.rugerforum.com who sell them. He can even just buy the hammer if that's all that was butchered and he has the other parts.

BTW, Nice looking Super you ended up with!

12-25-2010, 08:35 PM
For some reason there are a lot of Ruger Super Blackhawks around here used right now. Here is a link to some of them to give you an idea of what the dealers in this area think they are worth. They are not hard to find so I would be tempted to just keep your eye open for a bit.
