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View Full Version : "Dedicated"...or just another garden-variety NUT??

07-28-2006, 08:43 PM
Yeah, we all know it's hot. All over the cotton-pickin' country, it's hot. Especially here in Nevada, too...it's HOT.

However, "here in Nevada", in the high desert, we have an advantage over some parts, because it gets fairly cool at night and the humidity is low most of the time. I've been in some of those high-humidity areas of America where it stays hot AND muggy all night...like living in a warm sweatbath all the time!

ANYWAY, having discovered a desperate need for some SAECO 305s (180-grain .30-cal, like a 311041) I decided to put our particular environment to work, and got up at 0330 this morning to....cast boolits??? I turned out a judicious number, maybe 700 or so, and then got down to the serious and daunting task of tidying up my bench-space so's I could use some of it. Just killing time until I could go shootin' without waking up the whole town.

I guess I'm a nut. Dedication takes too much thought (and work) and this here is supposed to be my hobby.

Doble Troble
07-28-2006, 08:57 PM
You're a nut...

like most of the rest here.

Thank goodness we have the freedom to do what we want, when we want.

Bent Ramrod
07-28-2006, 09:01 PM

I wish I had the discipline to get up in the middle of the night to do hobby stuff. My garage/shop is downright ovenish by day, outside of the small area cooled by my portable cooler, and the back porch is so hot (even in the shade) that I can't force myself to fire up the lead pot even though I'm "desperately" short of RN .44 Spl bullets:???: .

This morning, starting at 0900, I scraped away on a forend for a couple hours before I gave up and fled into the house. It's supposed to plunge to 103 or so this weekend, so maybe I can work up the energy to do some casting tomorrow afternoon.

I keep telling myself we had a fantastic, balmy winter, with little wind, perfect for shooting, and we haven't had a real "wowser" of a summer for 11 years, but it doesn't seem to help much.

When I got into this shooting stuff, I figured if I was going to have a hobby, I'd get into it with both feet. I feel I'm neglecting a "duty" somehow. If that's crank behavior, I say: Let us make the most of it!:-D

07-28-2006, 09:19 PM
Temperatures have been 97-102 in this part of Nevada lately, and I have taken advantage of the relatively balmy nocturnal dip into the sixties for two casting sessions. As I have a new Lyman 311466 to try out, next scheduled lighting of the Coleman is planned for the wee hours of this coming Sunday. I am gratified to learn that even though the weather is balmy, I'm not. Or at least no worse off than several of you!

07-28-2006, 09:26 PM
BruceB: You do for a fact go right through those Saeco 305's ,don't you?? Are you using something Belt-fed in addition to those you told us about previously ?? All time record tied here today with 10th consecutive day with high temp 100 d or higher !! No single day record set in that period,highest was 106 d. (which is more than sufficient for swmbo and me)..:roll: :roll: Onceabull

07-28-2006, 09:44 PM
Yeah, Bill, those 305s just seem to disappear on me. I really need to TRY cutting a deal with you on that mould. Need any 338s?

Here's a cooler thought for all of us "sweaters" out there! Somwhere or other, stashed amongst my personal dreck, is a certificate I got from the Edmonton (Alberta) Journal, the local newspaper in that 'burg.

It states that I (along with all those other folks in the city) survived the Great Cold Snap of....1965, maybe? Anyway, over a period of some forty days, the thermometer never climbed ABOVE zero degrees Fahrenheit.

Thank God for global warming.

07-28-2006, 10:11 PM
I get up at 3 am all too often but never thought to cast boolits. Not a bad idear though. Beat doing crosswords in the 'other' office. We have the muggy kind of heat so it only needs to get to 90 and the sun feel like death ray beating down. And the garage stays hot so it doesn't get much use this time of year. Expect to see it turn up on a milk carton any summer now.

07-28-2006, 11:09 PM
BruceB, thank goodness for like minded folks. I get up early sometimes to get loading and casting done when the kids are asleep. Much easier that way.:castmine:

07-28-2006, 11:48 PM
We also have been very HOT this summer at 100 or over too many days this summer...I think our average for July is 6 days and we have been hittin' that many a week...:roll:
But alas I werk nights 7 days every 28 and last night was my 1st fer this rotation....if I get to unload a coal train any of my night shifts you can bet the old lee dripomatic will be on the desk top turnin' some environmetal waste into usable objects...:-D
Best part is its air conditioned at the desk...[smilie=w:

07-28-2006, 11:49 PM
Yes been hot here in Missouri. But the good words are-airconditioned garage.:mrgreen: Made use of it today. Cast a bunch of semiwadcutters for my 357 and a bunch of full wadcutters for my 38. Life can be good sometimes.

07-29-2006, 12:05 AM
We have had high temps lately also. in the middle 90's with high humity. Air conditioning is your friend, my two shops and house have ac. Couldn't work without it. Don't know how folks down south or west can stand it.

David R
07-29-2006, 06:31 AM
I think I poured about 10,000 last winter. Some I don't use, but I have enough to get me through this summer and maybe next. I will pour a bunch more this winter.

David NUT R

Rick N Bama
07-29-2006, 07:00 AM
Don't know how folks down south or west can stand it.

AC my friend, AC! That said, I spent my working career out in the weather and you (almost) get used to it.

Many years ago the houses were built with high ceilings & with a lot of tall windows. Shade tress were always planted on the south & west sides of the house for the cooling effect. In later years, attic fans provided the cooling & they did a good job.

As a youngster, my Mom would sprinkle our beds just as if she was about to iron them. The water would evaporate and cool the air just enough to allow us to fall to sleep.

I do my casting in the garage and these days I don't do much out there after 10:00 or so. Heck it's been too hot to even think about going to the range for we're having temps in the high 90s & low 100s.


07-29-2006, 10:21 AM
AC my friend, AC! That said, I spent my working career out in the weather and you (almost) get used to it.

Many years ago the houses were built with high ceilings & with a lot of tall windows. Shade tress were always planted on the south & west sides of the house for the cooling effect. In later years, attic fans provided the cooling & they did a good job....

Brings to mind an old anecdote I ran across once (McPhee?) about the death of porch culture in the old south. An elderly lady from Mississippi was explaining it as

"First they brought the TV, giving southerners a reason to come in from the porch. Then they brought the air conditioning making it possible for them to come in from the porch. Then they brought the rice, which brought the mosquitos, making it impossible to ever go back out on the porch..."


07-29-2006, 10:41 AM
Rick N Bama,

For a second there I thought you were referring to Allis Chalmer, Allis Chalmers [smilie=1: [smilie=l:


07-30-2006, 02:24 AM
Hate to do this to you guys.

Read in the paper a couple days ago:
"longest period of over 120 temps=43, Death Valley, CA."

Last Sat, g/f and I went to the So/CO mtns for the weekend. Got cold enough we turned a burner on to knock the chill off inside the trailer. About 5:30 I got up for a few and looked out and there was a heavy enough frost on things it looked much like snow. Went back to bed, by 8 it was time to take my insulated shirt off outside.

This was about 9500ft on the Spanish Peaks/Cordova Pass. Lovely up there! Weekend's not long enough for sure.

Wish you well,


ron brooks
07-30-2006, 03:54 PM
Always remember that a fanatic is someone who cares about something more than you do, be it money, relgion, politics, or shooting :)

Besides all that, a man has to due what a man has to do. If you're going to shoot you have to reload, if you're going to reload, you have to cast.
