View Full Version : I finely found one, a GP100

05-10-2010, 06:19 PM
I finely found a SS GP 100 after looking for a year. Went to a small gun show Sat. and not one was to be found. So stopped at a gun shop on the way to lunch with the wife, there were three there, but all were blued newer ones. I wanted one with the old style grips, and I wanted stainless steel, although I was really tempted. On the way out to the car, I rembered a small junk shop a quarter mile up the highway, sometimes they have a few pistoles. So stopped in and lo and behold, there was the one I have been looking for, old grips, and a four inch barrel! I even talked the owner down $50.00. Even found a used Bianchi holster for it! Someone was looking out for me. On getting it home, it appeared almost unfired, just a few blemishes in the finish. Next morning I sighted it in with some bullseye loads, and about thirty full power loads. I had a friend call me when I came in, lets go shoot some diggers! Right on! I managed to get a half dozen with the Ruger, one aabout sixty or seventy yards away. Im a happy camper!
The toolman.

05-10-2010, 06:50 PM
I've had an SS GP-100, 6" for a bunch of years. It fits my idea of what a revolver should look and feel like. And it's a great shooter.

cajun shooter
05-10-2010, 07:35 PM
When I attended Ruger armorer school the GP 100 was one of the guns we worked on. They are fine gun that will last a lifetime with little or no care.

05-12-2010, 05:33 PM
4" SS GP100. My dad has one. Love it.

05-12-2010, 08:25 PM
Awesome guns, mine loves full loads of 2400 under a checked 358156 seated long. I've been meaning to get one hollowpointed, should do a number on small pesty critters.

05-12-2010, 09:36 PM
I got a pair of GP 100 SS revolvers one is new with hoag grips and the other is an older model in 38 spl only with fixed sights. That one was owned by an ex cop who bought it from his department when they turned them in for Glock 40 cal autos. His cost was $100 and he sold it to me for $125 a couple years later.

05-12-2010, 09:40 PM
It is my favorite pistol. But dont tell the blackhawk.
2400 makes for a nice contrasting cylinder after a good day of shooting.
The more you shoot it, the more you want to shoot it.

05-12-2010, 10:16 PM
Brand new GP100 SS 6" full lug barrel.

Only had it 6 months now, but it fillls that niche just right.

Solid as they come.

Muddy Creek Sam
05-12-2010, 10:21 PM

Mine and Katie's, hers is on top. Loave them.

Sam :D

05-13-2010, 12:09 AM
Love my SS GP100 4 inch, got it new in 89.

05-14-2010, 01:10 AM
Still keeping one for a buddy, he might not get it back! (but I'll let him shoot it when he comes to visit). SS 4" he got right because of a "barrel bulge" that turned out to be a huge lump of ironed-on lead in the bore, sure looked like a bulge with just a light. Lead was due to the stinking sorry Ruger Gang-bore el cheapskate mass production technique that is used to make each of the six cylinder throats a unique size, a "one size for each occasion" if you will. Great as long as you know how they shoot in sequence and don't mind scraping lead after every time you use the .3565" and .3560" holes with lead boolits (.3570" groove). I fixed with a carefully bushed .3580" chucking reamer and we have all been happy campers ever since. I think the GP100 is probably the most durable revolver ever made, look up how Ruger torture tested them.


05-14-2010, 08:28 AM
Ruger chambers the revolver cylinders on CNC machines now so the days of "3 & 3" chamber sizes should be gone. The ones I have checked in recent times are pretty uniform. They used to do it with a three spindle head, drill 3 index the cylinder, and drill the other 3. Reaming was the same.