View Full Version : Help Needed: Cap & Ball Revolvers in CAS Matches

05-10-2010, 06:10 PM

I figured I solicit your help with a problem I had a couple of days ago in a cowboy action shooting (CAS) match with my 1860 Colt replica and Starr C&B revolvers. SASS rules dictate that the revolvers cannot be "high cocked", that is cocked with the barrels pointed skyward due to safety concerns of an accidental discharge. As I understand, that is how C&B revolvers were cocked back in the old days so that the backward motion would help to eject the spent cap of the action. That has been the primary problem: The spent cap tends to drop in between the frame and hammer about every sxith shot and prevent the hammer from striking the next cap and firing. Then I have to turn the gun upside down and clear the cap and bring the cylinder around to re-index it. By this time the range safety officer has switched from clocking me with a stop watch and switched to a calendar! Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to how to prevent this sort of thing from happening?!!!

05-10-2010, 06:14 PM
Yeah, use smaller caps, #10's, or pinch the #11's so they will stick on the nipple.

cajun shooter
05-10-2010, 07:40 PM
Change out your nipples to tresso brand and your problems will go away. Also that is why Frontiersman class is so much fun. A good charge will always drop the charging lever unless you do some modifications also.

05-11-2010, 12:04 AM
One of my C&B revolvers had been dry fired alot before I got it, it was actually given to me without cost.
Anyway I found that the slightly musroomed nipples when being capped would leave a visible ring around the cap, when fired these never fell off or split.
The bulged head of the nipples created a very tight seal.

removing the spent caps was a chore though, I had to use forceps.

05-11-2010, 06:18 AM
There are two cures for this problem one is to find and buy Italian Caps. They used to be everywhere but I have not seen them for sale in sometime. These caps not only do not fall off but require a pair of needle nose pliers to get them off. The other thing you can do is tilt the revover to the right with the muzzle down a bit and pull the hammer back fast. This usually with throw the cap particles out of the gun to the side and down. One thing I do know is that colt and probably the star replicas are the most likely to have this problem. Remingtons and Ruger old armies are much less likely to have this problem.

Sagebrush Burns
05-11-2010, 10:17 AM

I figured I solicit your help with a problem I had a couple of days ago in a cowboy action shooting (CAS) match with my 1860 Colt replica and Starr C&B revolvers. SASS rules dictate that the revolvers cannot be "high cocked", that is cocked with the barrels pointed skyward due to safety concerns of an accidental discharge. As I understand, that is how C&B revolvers were cocked back in the old days so that the backward motion would help to eject the spent cap of the action. That has been the primary problem: The spent cap tends to drop in between the frame and hammer about every sxith shot and prevent the hammer from striking the next cap and firing. Then I have to turn the gun upside down and clear the cap and bring the cylinder around to re-index it. By this time the range safety officer has switched from clocking me with a stop watch and switched to a calendar! Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to how to prevent this sort of thing from happening?!!!

There is no such "rule" in SASS. As long as you don't break the 170 barrier you will be OK.

05-11-2010, 08:08 PM
There are two cures for this problem one is to find and buy Italian Caps. They used to be everywhere but I have not seen them for sale in sometime. These caps not only do not fall off but require a pair of needle nose pliers to get them off. The other thing you can do is tilt the revover to the right with the muzzle down a bit and pull the hammer back fast. This usually with throw the cap particles out of the gun to the side and down. One thing I do know is that colt and probably the star replicas are the most likely to have this problem. Remingtons and Ruger old armies are much less likely to have this problem.

CVA caps used to be that way some time ago. I don't know if they were Italian made with their name or even if they are still that way. They were like a solid brass cup and I had to pry them off. That's why I quit using them.

05-12-2010, 06:57 AM
The proper size nipple and cap combination will work.

So will this


I have done this to one fellows revolver and he says it works great.