View Full Version : My idea of.......

05-10-2010, 10:32 AM
the right kind of fit:

http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/4646/engravedpp.th.jpg (http://img532.imageshack.us/i/engravedpp.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

As cast this was a .446" bullet and when patched with tracing paper of around .0029" thickness....it fit snugly into the mouth of a FL sized WW .45/70 case but it was too tight to chamber into an 1885 Browning chamber soooooo.....I ran this dude through a .444" Cornell swage die (meaning I ran the naked bullet through the die and then re-patched it) and now....using the same patch paper it works like onto a champ; fits snugly into the case and when chambered the patch is engraved as you can observe here! Other than a group of shots wadded up tightly into the middle of a target....this is the way I like for my PP rounds to look!

05-11-2010, 09:30 AM

I've been following your posts and the posts of the other PP experts for a while and always find it very interesting to read as well as exchanging email with a few; there was a lot of help to be found.
Thank you!
After acquiring my first BPCR rifle last year (the story is to be found somewhere here) I finally bought a PP mould from a CB member. It is, I think, the same as yours: Money Nose in .446. Now I got to cast some boolits which have been a little bit tricky but in the end I got a few.

Well long story short, I patched them with tracing paper that runs about the same size as yours. Most probably I have overstretched it a bit and the boolits are .450 instead of .452 as intended. I can push them through the bore with a rod there is a slight marking of the lands.
Is this the same with your boolits?
If so I will try them; my concern was they might be to slim and not slug up enough upon firing.

Thank you for your time

05-11-2010, 09:38 AM
If you're using blackpowder.....don't worry about the bullet 'bumping up'....it will!

Don't think I could push these through the bore too easily but tapping with a light hammer using a wooden dowel....they'd go through!

05-12-2010, 04:38 AM
Thank you.

Yes, I am using blackpowder, Swiss 1 1/2fg (we call it Swiss No4).
So the only thing to do now is to try them and see how it goes.

Thank you, again - as soon as I have something on paper I will post.


Southern Son
05-12-2010, 05:43 AM
I have only just started with PP and only made 2 trips to the range to fire PP loaded rounds, but I am glad to see that one of the PP boolits that I chambered but then had to remove from the rifle looked very much like your photo. I did have to tap it out of the barrel because the loaded case left it in the barrel when I removed the case, but the markings, the hight of the rifling markings on the patch, etc all seem to be the same.