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05-06-2010, 06:09 AM
My father past away on Monday. I havenīt realized it completely till today.The only thing I can say that he is leaving a huge hole in my live.

05-06-2010, 06:25 AM
Uwej i like all your other brothers here cry for the loss of our loved ones. Our prayer will be for you an the other family members your father left behind

05-06-2010, 06:39 AM
Uwe, I am sorry for your loss.


05-06-2010, 07:17 AM
My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Remember the good memories and cherish them. The pain will dull in time.

05-06-2010, 09:16 AM
Sorry for your loss.
Stay strong Brother.
Prayers sent.

05-06-2010, 09:29 AM
I have never lost a parent, but I lost a cousin, co worker, and best friend all rolled up in one in June who was like a brother to me. I know what you mean about it not hitting home until a few days after it happens. It was almost like I was waiting for him to show up and say just kidding here I am. The funeral was when it became real. I was a wreck for about two weeks. The hole left in my heart started to fill in , but will never be completely full. And the part that doesn't fill is what helps us cherish the memories.

I am not a religious man, but know that I am thinking of you and your father.


MT Gianni
05-06-2010, 09:54 AM
Sorry to hear that, my prayers are with you and your family.

05-06-2010, 12:48 PM
UweJ,my familys prayers are with you, and yours,I remember when my dad passed on,just know that he is in a better place,at peace!God bless you my brother...

Dean D.
05-06-2010, 12:49 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss Uwej. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family headed your way.

05-06-2010, 02:11 PM
Prayers and thoughts are with you. This separation from our loved ones is only for a short time.


05-06-2010, 08:09 PM
The pain will ease a little eventually, I lost My dad in 2005. I still think of him every day
God Bless

05-06-2010, 08:48 PM
Very sorry for your lost and prayers for you and your family.

05-07-2010, 07:45 AM
I lost my father some years ago and I can tell you the first few years are hard, however now I only remember the happy things about my dad, the painful things have faded. This does not mean I don't still miss him, I do and always will.

I hope the painful parts of your loss will fade quickly and the happy memories come soon.


05-07-2010, 08:59 AM
I share the feeling of your loss with you. I lost my father back in `61, but he is still alive in my heart and memories.Robert

05-08-2010, 01:44 PM
My condolences to you and your family. Prayer said.. Keep your fondest memories of him alive and remember them from time to time. You'll never forget him... Bigmac

05-08-2010, 09:46 PM
Es tut mir unendlich leid.

Marine Sgt 2111
05-17-2010, 01:25 AM
There are no words that can even begin to bridge the gap of losing ones father. You learn so much from your father, about life, about right from wrong and about being a man. The best part of all is the man who taught you so much about living...well his blood pumps through your veins. Cherish the memories of things you and he did together and help create memories like those with your children.

05-18-2010, 01:02 AM
i am very sorry for your loss,it causes much pain and sorrow for all family members. only prayers can offer some comfort in such a trying time in your life. i know words cannot express your feelings at this time, but that big hole thats been left in your life has to be filled, fill it with memories, with love, with compassion. don't try to forget because you never will, remember him the good times, the things you did together, the things you shared. that will fill that big hole in your life! i lost my dad 40 years ago and i still miss him very much and think of him allmost every day. but when i think of him it allways makes me smile because i filled that big hole that was left in my life 40 years ago. my prayers to you and your family.


06-04-2010, 04:12 PM
I just noticed your post. Sorry for your loss. My Dad has been gone for 17 years already. It does not seem possible. He had a strange sense of humer that I got from him. We would call each other to tell of something we seen or read that we thought the other would apreciate. For a long time I would head for the phone to call him when something struck that nerve that "Dad would like this" The pain has dulled and I remember mostly the good times.