View Full Version : bore sizeing

05-04-2010, 11:12 PM
how and what do i need to measure bore size and grove size? can i do this or will i have to bring to a smith?


05-05-2010, 02:56 AM
how and what do i need to measure bore size and grove size? can i do this or will i have to bring to a smith?


..............Even number lands and grooves you can use the inside jaws of calipers. Odd number of lands/grooves you can use a pin gage to check the bore. To do the grooves with any accuracy requires a 'V' block and depth mic and some math. Or a V anvil mike made for doing similar things. An alternative which will get you close is to use the calipers to measure the OD of the barrel as close to the muzzle as possible.

Then measure a groove from the groove to the outside of the barrel, once again CAREFULLY and as close to the muzzle as possible. Multipy the result by 2 and subract that from the earlier barrel OD measurement.


05-05-2010, 10:20 PM
thanks buckshot i'll try that and see how confused i can make myself, i'm just a glutton for punishment, all kidding aside thanks alot.
