View Full Version : Wheel weight check points??

05-04-2010, 02:31 AM
I was getting my tire fixed today and scored 90lbs of ww for $15. The guy there told me California has check points to check cars and one thing their checking for is lead WW cause there illegal. Could this be true????

05-04-2010, 08:26 AM
Doesn't sound feasible. New cars and new tire installations must have them but I can't see even CA getting that ridiculous about "grandfathered " WWs. It would cost them a fortune to do it too. I don't have any proof but I'm pretty comfortable calling that one bogus!

05-04-2010, 09:04 AM
Are you talking about stuck on the wheel, or in the trunk in a bucket?

Anyhoo . . . that's a bunch of sillyness, are they also gonna pull the battery, thats got dangerous lead in it too![smilie=1:

Remember there is a reason why we live on this side of the border!

Suo Gan
05-04-2010, 09:40 AM
Yeah, a dueceandahalf pulled me over the other day. Thirty or forty guys with blue helmets pulled all the ww's off my pickup. It was s-s-s-s-scary!

05-04-2010, 09:50 AM
No, no, no...you guys have it all wrong!

They drive around in silenced blacked out Suburbans. They jump out, decked out in tactical black in the wee hours of the night and descretly remove only the lead weights, then silently drive off.
I know for certain this is correct, but nobody has ever photographed or video taped this either. But proof is there since they drop a few on the roadways in their hurry!
I seen a documentary about it once on the internet...or was it cable tv in the wee hours of the morning?:kidding:

05-04-2010, 10:05 AM
He can tell me all the BS stories he wants to and Ill listen, as long as he keeps selling me WW cheap.

05-04-2010, 10:16 AM
I regard him as just another California basher.

05-04-2010, 10:19 AM
I was getting my tire fixed today and scored 90lbs of ww for $15. The guy there told me California has check points to check cars and one thing their checking for is lead WW cause there illegal. Could this be true????

The CA WW checkpoint story is just as accurate as the one many tireshops are telling that it is illegal for them to sell or give WW to their customers. The truth is that all scrap metals have become valuable enough that tire shops and/or WW suppliers can sell used WW to scrap yards for a goodly amount. In the Reno, NV area scrap yards refuse to sell WW to the public. They say that they have to sell them to a "big outfit." English translation: Red China. Not a conspiracy story, just where the money is. Tire shops and scrap dealers will tell you that it is verboten by the EPA. I tell them that I am in daily communication with 11,000 people who are VERY interested in the used WW market, and we haven't yet heard the EPA baloney. Then I look for a small town place to buy tires. The state of CA is so broke, they couldn't afford a piece of cardboard to make a "WW checkpoint ahead" sign.

05-04-2010, 10:37 AM
I was getting my tire fixed today and scored 90lbs of ww for $15. The guy there told me California has check points to check cars and one thing their checking for is lead WW cause there illegal. Could this be true????

This is absolutely true. I was hired by the state.

I stand on the corner and tell people they have DANGEROUS LEAD wheel weights. I then remove them for them free of charge, and tell them to get it fixed before they get a citation.

:kidding: LOL I wish what a racket that would be.

05-04-2010, 10:40 AM
In our area, some places (GoodYear dealerships, WalMart, Sears) are under their own policy to recycle them. Interstate Batteries comes around and picks them up.

I am fortuneate enough to have the three major dealerships in my town save them for me. Some people give me a hard time about my stock pile, but I figure my good thing will come to an end someday when I make monthly rounds to pick them up. I cannot complain because they have been good to me and ask for nothing in return. They always get some goodies though.

05-04-2010, 11:29 AM
Thats right, If I see an Interstate battery sign out front,its probably a waste of time to ask to buy any wheel weights.

05-04-2010, 12:11 PM
Adjacent to the cash register, in the office of a tire store that gives me FREE wheel weights, is an Interstate battery display. Don't feel that it's a waste of time to ask.

05-04-2010, 12:50 PM
Now I know that the plates inside a battery are bad nasty hazmat, but what about the clamps on the end of battery cables. Anyone ever try using them? Especially the older ones that clamp to the batteries with the terminals on top.

mike in co
05-04-2010, 01:18 PM
I regard him as just another California basher.

and just what state banned lead ww's ?????

its not bashing when its true........

no checkpoints...but there are banned on all new and ????

whats the implementation date ???

maybe they are gonna make up thier cash shortage by selling ww's to the other 49 states ??

born and raised in ca, learned enough to leave.....

mike in co

05-04-2010, 01:33 PM
Oh, I think it's coming all right! I regularly drive through one of our "bug stations" in my area. The one near my little community is staffed by a big, burley blonde girl with a "sexual identity crisis". Her assistant, a sawed off tubby brunette, seem to think their uniforms entitle them to check for everything EXCEPT fruits and vegetables. These are "agricultural inspectors" mind you, not police officers. Normally the other inspectors just ask if you have anything like that, then wave you through.

My wife and daughter in law were coming back from a shopping trip and the trunk of the car was searched. These two clowns "fondled" the fryer chicken, rummaged through a bunch of store bought vegetables and examined each article of new clothing ("Oh, this is cute!) etc, etc, until my little 4' 11 7/8" wife asked them just what the **** they thought they were doing??!! I had a little talk with their supervisor the next day.

As looney as some of the laws in this state are, it wouldn't suprise me a bit to see these two checking wheel weights with magnets sometime in the future.

05-04-2010, 01:34 PM
The state of CA is so broke, they couldn't afford a piece of cardboard to make a "WW checkpoint ahead" sign.

LOVE IT ! :) :) Unfortunately it is so very true !


05-04-2010, 02:54 PM
The ww ban in California prevents tire companies from installing lead ww's after January 1, 2010.

There is not a ban on posession, nor is there a rule requiring removal of existing weights.

My last re-balanced tire now has both lead and steel weights on the rim.

05-04-2010, 04:11 PM
mike in co,
"its not bashing when its true........"

It's not true, therefore it's bashing. And, the implication was aimed at the man at the tire store, not at 44mag1.

mike in co
05-04-2010, 04:56 PM
mike in co,
"its not bashing when its true........"

It's not true, therefore it's bashing. And, the implication was aimed at the man at the tire store, not at 44mag1.

my implication was simple...if you choose to live in a society of idiots, don't be suprised that someone takes exception to how that society behaves.

its not bashing when the facts are clear to everyone else....but those in ca.

05-04-2010, 06:38 PM
Mike in co,
I don't know how many times I have to state this, but will do so again: I do not live in California because I CHOOSE to. I live here because I HAVE to.

I have never, nor will I ever, give a member grief because of their life's circumstances or where they happen to live. It is apparant, though, that you take delight in doing so.

To get back to my point: It is NOT TRUE that there is a lead wheel weight inspection program. Therefore, I continue to regard the man in the Arizona tire store as a basher, per your definition. Now, it may be that he is either mis-informed or ignorant of a non-existent program. In that case, I can overlook his statement.

However, I won't overlook your continual bashing of those of us who live in California, regardless of the reason. This is not the first thread in which you've done so, and, quite frandly, it has worn more than a bit thin, and has become personal.

Presently, my ignore list contains two members, if you persist in bashing me and others who live in California, you will become the third.

This forum is about the exchange of information, and not a vehicle in which to advance one's personal vendetta.

05-04-2010, 07:02 PM
No, no, no...you guys have it all wrong!

They drive around in silenced blacked out Suburbans. They jump out, decked out in tactical black in the wee hours of the night and descretly remove only the lead weights, then silently drive off.
I know for certain this is correct, but nobody has ever photographed or video taped this either. But proof is there since they drop a few on the roadways in their hurry!
I seen a documentary about it once on the internet...or was it cable tv in the wee hours of the morning?:kidding:

So thats how your getting your wheel weights...good idea not taking any camera's with you...no evidence.

05-05-2010, 01:19 AM
Settle down guys! Remember we're all on the same team. If you live somewhere where "it can't happen here" I'm glad for you, that's a good thing, guard it closely. But if "it" does happen where you live are you going to move? Where will we all go? We gotta fight these idiots where we live, they'd be happy as hell if all the shooters and gun people and 4x4 and dirt bike etc. people left That's just what they want. By the way, the California Rifle and Pistol Association is having a membership drive. Would one of you Cal. guys join up so I can say I done my part? You get a good magazine and it feels good too.

05-05-2010, 01:44 AM
Turn off the California-bashing. Right effing now. It pisses me off that otherwise knowledgeable shooters and supposed teammates equate me with the hoplophobic jerks that make the news but do little else in this bankrupted state. Real nice of people, to kick us when we're down. That takes a lot of courage, and class. NOT.

Suo Gan
05-06-2010, 01:10 AM
Yes, that should be a bumper sticker. I don't think anyone means any harm though, but it does feel like getting kicked in the teeth when it happens so often.
I live on my family farm that was started by my great grandfather. This house, humble as it is was built by my grandfather (The first one burned down), made from dirt right here (adobe), and some redwood timbers floated down the mountains and up the river. The trees he planted surround the house and an ancient wisteria vine is nice to catch the evening breeze under. The sunset still looks the same as it did a hundred years ago (got the pictures to prove it). I have a big garden planted in soil my grandma and great grandma toiled in. I plow the same dusty fields they did. We are no different here than anywhere else. Just because we live in California does not mean we don't know anything about anything except city living and traffic jams. I visited Montana last summer, a lot of people up there are transplants and they think they know how the cow ate the cabbage and will tell ya so too...don't even have to ask, lol.

05-06-2010, 01:59 AM
Did I mention the California Rifle and Pistol Association is having a membership drive? Man, we need the numbers big time. Now the sobs are trying to make us register long guns. We gotta get these blind idiots out! You'd think when an institution like pelosi is in jeapordy of losing they'd catch a hint.

Suo Gan
05-06-2010, 03:01 AM
I always wondered when open carry would be done away with too.

05-07-2010, 02:01 AM
If we don't watch 'em EVERYPLACE will get all Pelosied up.
(Sorry Moderator if that's a borderline swear word!)

I was told by a tire store manager that he gets a break on his wheelweight orders if he
saves all the old ones for the supplier. Said last month's order was over $800.
Maybe, maybe not.
If they don't make a profit they'll shut down, and the supplier or "official recycler" or battery guys
at least are steady money. I guess. Dangit.

05-08-2010, 09:14 PM
No, no, no...you guys have it all wrong!

They drive around in silenced blacked out Suburbans. They jump out, decked out in tactical black in the wee hours of the night and descretly remove only the lead weights, then silently drive off.
I know for certain this is correct, but nobody has ever photographed or video taped this either. But proof is there since they drop a few on the roadways in their hurry!
I seen a documentary about it once on the internet...or was it cable tv in the wee hours of the morning?:kidding:

Do you think they use a lead magnet to detect them?

05-09-2010, 08:19 AM
Yes, that should be a bumper sticker. I don't think anyone means any harm though, but it does feel like getting kicked in the teeth when it happens so often.
I live on my family farm that was started by my great grandfather. This house, humble as it is was built by my grandfather (The first one burned down), made from dirt right here (adobe), and some redwood timbers floated down the mountains and up the river. The trees he planted surround the house and an ancient wisteria vine is nice to catch the evening breeze under. The sunset still looks the same as it did a hundred years ago (got the pictures to prove it). I have a big garden planted in soil my grandma and great grandma toiled in. I plow the same dusty fields they did. We are no different here than anywhere else. Just because we live in California does not mean we don't know anything about anything except city living and traffic jams. I visited Montana last summer, a lot of people up there are transplants and they think they know how the cow ate the cabbage and will tell ya so too...don't even have to ask, lol.

Wow, that sounds idyllic. I'm envious, not of the state you live in, but your description of your home place. That's a place to be proud of, no matter where it is.

05-09-2010, 10:09 AM
Hey you can bash South Carolina if you want to, I don't realy care. Go to the coast, most of the people there are from somewhere else. I've met good and bad people from about everywhere...

05-09-2010, 10:02 PM
I was getting my tire fixed today and scored 90lbs of ww for $15. The guy there told me California has check points to check cars and one thing their checking for is lead WW cause there illegal. Could this be true????

Consider the fact that we here at CastBoolits are probably the worlds leading experts at telling the difference between lead and non-lead WWs. Also, consider the fact that even we sometimes have problems telling them apart without using destructive testing. Now, how in the word will some undereducated, half-illiterate, handle leaning, state employee tell the difference on the side of a highway without getting down on their hands and knees and testing each one with a pair of side cutters. Just ain't gonna happen.

05-09-2010, 11:01 PM
I know it sounds far feched, but who would have thought r12 refrigerant would be outlawed? I dont know what makes the "guy" at the tire store thinks there really are checkpoints where WW are part of the procedure. But we are living in a rapidly changing political world.

05-09-2010, 11:30 PM
Everytime I see something like this I'm thinking AZ is looking better all the time.


05-10-2010, 12:52 AM
mercury WW?? I want some of those!!

05-11-2010, 12:29 AM
my implication was simple...if you choose to live in a society of idiots, don't be suprised that someone takes exception to how that society behaves.

its not bashing when the facts are clear to everyone else....but those in ca.

Yep, and it's simply wonderful that there are no liberals in Colorodo, no wacky laws there either right?

Read a local paper lately Mike?


05-11-2010, 12:54 AM
Yep, and it's simply wonderful that there are no liberals in Colorodo, no wacky laws there either right?

Read a local paper lately Mike?


Ditto on that....:mrgreen:

WW inspections. There is more bull going around on the internet about the Golden State than brass these days it seems.

05-11-2010, 01:04 AM
I'm a Californian born, chose to live and stay here. At one time I coulda moved any where in the USA just about. Our county has 13k people and not one stop light, and is one of California's biggest.

If you saw this place and what we pay for property taxes you wouldn't believe it. Of course .gov wants to tax us all to hell across the nation now.

05-11-2010, 01:14 AM
How would you like to have this to yourself all day. Any day you want? 200 out. That's my California...:bigsmyl2:
