View Full Version : my vz24 sporter build.

04-24-2010, 08:39 PM
I have been wanting to build myself a "custom" sporter for a while now and have been collecting parts here & there for a while. I have rebarreled a couple of rifles and used milsurp stocks but no sporter stuff.
Some time back I picked up a barreled reciver & stock from a board member (thanks Kent) and resold the action for what i had in it. I was left with the stock.
A few weeks later I got a 30-06 barrel from Milsurpmike, (thanks Mike).
So I have a stock & barrel no action. I ran accross a vz24 with a horrably ground crest and no bottom metal for the nice sum of $60.00.
Now I have something to work with. I got bottom metal from Edbarret (thanks Ed). I thought would share some photos with you all.
Please bear with me while i add photos.

04-24-2010, 08:47 PM
After I stripped ther reciver, I had to even up the poorly ground crest and remove the rust pits.

04-24-2010, 08:58 PM
Then got the stock fitted to the action. (old walnut is almost as hard as steel). This took way longer than i had figured.

04-24-2010, 09:09 PM
After I got the action & stock mated I had to nlet the barrel channel as the new barrel is a lot heaver than the one that lived in this stock before. (lots more of that iron hard walnut). By the way I am building this with no power tools, all by hand just because its fun and relaxing.
Well after hours with a rasp, file and sand paper it fits.

04-24-2010, 09:10 PM
I will post more updates as they come.

04-24-2010, 09:21 PM
Beautiful craftsmanship.... cant wait to see more... almost makes me wantto do another Mauser sporter..


04-24-2010, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the complement. when I got the stock it was "semi finshed" straight off the duplicator I think. And what they called 95% inleted I call it 5% inleted, 95% of the work still to be done. I stoped at this point on the stock till i get the acton "glass bedded", I will use some epoxy.
Here is what worked on today since it was storming outside i was stuck inside. So I forged myself a bolt handel from some barstock. I am still undecided if it will wear a knob, I kinda lke the
way it looks as it is.

I have to get the bottle refilled for the TIG welder before I can weld it on :(

04-25-2010, 01:34 AM
I love your work so far
But I question the bolt handle
As IMO it will a touch rough on your hand with or without a knob

For me at least , as I work the bolt
The knob is cupped in my palm

If it was my hand I feel it would rub my palm wrong

Maybe if I got used to it , it would grow on me
But as a hunter , I got used to a decent sized smooth knob
I never seem to touch anything expect the knob as I work the bolt

I guess that is why a simple turnded down reforged Mil. Mauser bolt works so well for ME

Keep up the good work and make the rifle work for you


04-25-2010, 11:53 AM
What about making a version of a Mannlicher "butter knife" bolt handle?Robert

04-25-2010, 02:43 PM
That thought had crossed my mind. Just forge the end flat and cup it a little. I have some more bar stock i my make another and see haw it turns out.
Or I could always add the stock mil ball later.