View Full Version : Foam wheelweights?

04-21-2010, 12:39 PM
I picked up a bucket of wheelweights yesterday and noticed a bunch of thick, heavy foam-looking stick-on weights. Anybody ever seen these before or know what they are? I haven't tried melting them down yet. They are about 1/4-3/8" thick and are easily twisted and spring back to their originals shape. I will try to post pics soon.

04-21-2010, 01:19 PM
The adhesive side of the stick-on weights is foam, is that what you are talking about?

04-21-2010, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I got one.
I bet they are not lead.

04-21-2010, 02:51 PM
The adhesive side of the stick-on weights is foam, is that what you are talking about?

There is the foam adhesive side, which is much less than 1/16" thick (much like a carpet tape). Then there is the actual weight which is like a very dense, heavy foam. The entire weight can be twisted some and then it will return to it's original shape.

I'll try to post pics tonight.

04-21-2010, 03:18 PM
I got some of those too... I originally tried smelting them but then thought better of it and pitched em.


04-21-2010, 07:59 PM
This has been mentioned before.

I came across two and cut them open, to see what was inside. They were filled with what looked like large ball powder kernels or small ball bearings. Weird, whatever they are.

04-21-2010, 10:46 PM
I think it's a "green" way to get rid of or come up with a better mousetrap for heavier metals/compounds. I haven't come across any yet but my WW supplier tells me that he's seeing them and they hit the cicular file and not my bucket.