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View Full Version : PDF format

04-18-2010, 10:51 AM
Does anyone know how to take postings here and put them in a PDF format?
There several postings I would like to make hard copy of but by the time you get what you want you have 5 pages of wasted paper.
The one I want most is the Pat Marlin explanation on the set up and use of the check maker.
Want to have hard copy of it when I get my check maker I do not have to keep running back to the computer each time I make a mistake.


04-18-2010, 11:00 AM
For PDF format, I think you have to pay for Adobe Acrobat. Not sure what other programs out there create PDF format.

Under the Thread Tools, you can "Show Printable Version", but the pictures will not show...only the links. You may be able to copy this into a .doc/.txt format and then download/save the pictures that you want and insert them into the doc.

04-18-2010, 11:27 AM
Try this:

Note it will only convert one web page at a time.

Valley Forge
04-18-2010, 11:35 AM
On a Mac you highlight what you wish to keep, select "print" and the next screen includes "PDF" on the left as a print option. Seems to work fine.

04-18-2010, 11:39 AM
Because there is a lot of suspicious stuff that comes with Adobe I've switched to Foxit. It has an easy copy from file to PDF.


04-18-2010, 11:51 AM
As VF pointed out it is a standard one click operation on a Mac.
StarMetal's reference to Foxit is good for a Windows machine.


04-18-2010, 12:00 PM
I copied and pasted the directions for everyone who may want to print them for their use.

Attached are several PDF's. I was not able to make it into one PDF as the attachment would be too large of a file to post to this thread.

Should someone want it all in one PDF file then PM me.


04-18-2010, 12:12 PM
Nice job, Rob

04-18-2010, 12:14 PM

When I see something I want to reference, it gets "cut and pasted" to a Word document. I usually forget where something is and by the time I need it on the web, it is gone or pics have been removed.

I use Primo PDF at home and work to make .pdf documents. It makes itself appear in the available printers when you slect to print something. Easy enough.

04-18-2010, 01:19 PM
I don't know near as much as everybody else does that is specific to this forum, but I do know computers (I "fix" them daily at work). I hope this may help some one and make up for the disproportionate amount of knowledge I've gleaned from CB.

For Windows based computers at work, we install CutePDF Writer and a converter. As already noted in the above posts, there are other programs for similar results, but CutePDF Writer is our choice at work as it is free and works great.

The CutePDF Writer installation creates a virtual printer in the Printer and Faxes folder and works in tandem with the converter so that anything you can print to a normal printer in the Printers and Faxes folder can be converted into a .pdf file. The CutePDF Writer can even be configured as your default printer (if you have many .pdf files you want to create one after the other) by right-clicking on the CutePDF Writer printer in the Printers and Faxes folder and selecting Set as Default.


If the CutePDF printer is not configured as your default printer, select File>Print from the tool bar at the top of the program window you are printing from.


When the Print dialogue window appears, select the CutePDF printer as the printer to send the print job to. The Print dialogue window allows the selection of All, or specific pages of a multiple page document to be converted into the .pdf file (same as normal printers).


If specific a specific selction of text, picture, or combination of text and pictures are highlighted on a document or webpage, the highlighted selection can be right-clicked to select Print. When the Print dialogue window opens, Selection option can be used to print just what was highlighted in the document or webpage.

After the printer and Page Range options have been selected in the Print dialogue window, the Print button is selected. The Save As dialogue window appears. In the Save As dialogue window, in File name:, type the name for the .pdf file to be created with. Then in the Save in: drop down menu, navigate to the folder the file is to be saved in. To create the .pdf file that has been giving a name in the folder selected to save the file in, select the Save button.


CutePDF Writer and the converter can be downloaded here: http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/Writer.asp. Look for both the Free Download and Free Converter links. If anybody has any questions, please let me know.

04-18-2010, 01:24 PM
The open source OpenOffice suite will export to PDF as well, and is free. It reads Microsoft Word formats as well as many others.


04-18-2010, 01:26 PM
Wow- you guys are amazing!

Thanks for your effort and help Rob, but one thing is I updated the instructions from the old thread post. I just created a pdf download for the full deal including color pics.

It's about 3.4 megs. It works for my mac, and should work for everyone. Give it a try and we'll see:

PDF Link:



04-18-2010, 01:36 PM
There we go and it works for a PC.............Pat has it put together in a nice PDF document; much better than what I put up.

Thanks Pat,


04-18-2010, 01:38 PM
I used CutePDF for a long time and it works just fine. The only problem I found with it is that if you include a lot of graphics you end up with a very large file. I was doing a high school hockey news letter with game photos and this became an issue.

I changed to using PDFCreator, also free, and it creates much more compressed documents, but it is a bit slower. Same as CutePDF, it installs as a printer and you print to it.


04-18-2010, 01:49 PM

I just noticed the pictures come out a bit squashed as I used my print instructions version for this pdf.

I will recreate it with full nice pictures when I get a chance since we can do that with the pdf download. Makes the checks look like a squashed Banquet TV dinner pie ...:mrgreen:

Here's some good pic links:






We are on the last stretch of getting orginized and just about done with my shop production setup fine tuning. Lordy it has been a lot of work and a long time coming.

04-18-2010, 02:48 PM
Thanks everyone for the info.
Thanks Pat the instructions are great and I will print them and put them in a file to go with my check maker.
