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View Full Version : Dang UPS Neway

07-17-2006, 06:47 PM
Found a 1892 short rifle on gunbroker a few weeks ago sans that silly saftie and won it....
That was the good part....
The seller shipped right away and I have been anxiously awaiting its arrival....for 3 weeks...UPS dropped it off thier tracking system the day after they picked it up...found out why today...
They had run over it....
Seller said the stock was broken clear thru at the wrist...the tang twisted and the reciever gouged like it had been skidded over gravel....
dang em....:violin:

Jack Stanley
07-17-2006, 06:55 PM
Sounds like it time to put a lein on their business untill they get the rifle right . Everybody makes a mistake and making this right sounds like the thing to do .


07-17-2006, 07:57 PM
was it insured beyond the baseline $100?