View Full Version : trout

04-16-2010, 10:27 AM
any good trout recipes

04-16-2010, 11:47 AM
We always wrap them in aluminum foil with butter, garlic, dill, other spices, and put in grill or oven. When they are done, you can just grab the head and peel the whole spine out.

04-16-2010, 12:04 PM
clean them, chop off the head (or not), get a piece of foil that fill fold over and allow a seal, put onions/Herbs/carrots/etc..., butter, salt and pepper, in cavity fold it up and seal top and ends. put in oven/on grill/over coals (not too close as it will burn) for 10 min /lb or 10 min per inch thickness. Enjoy the bones! Or you can fillet or butterly and do the same and not have to mess with bones. I tend to throw out the cavity stuffing, but some of my family eat it and like it.

For small trout (brook trout) you can pan fry. use a bit of butter and cook them on medium any way you want.

MT Gianni
04-16-2010, 12:50 PM
I pan fry slow or bake. When it is done I peel the skin and run a fork down the side, push the meat down off the ribs and up over the backbone giving me small pieces of bone free meat. Small brookies have been floured spiced and deep fried. Next time you are out on the ice or just getting back to the rig foil wrap some with Johny's seasoning and a slice of bacon on either side and put in the coals or on a small grill for 15 minutes.

04-16-2010, 01:23 PM
Mt Gianni's method will work if you set the foil wrapped fish on a hot portion of an engine on your way home also! It is a bit harder to day as mostly you cannot see the engine due to all the cowling but it does work.

04-24-2010, 05:56 PM
I pan fry slow or bake. When it is done I peel the skin and run a fork down the side, push the meat down off the ribs and up over the backbone giving me small pieces of bone free meat. Small brookies have been floured spiced and deep fried. Next time you are out on the ice or just getting back to the rig foil wrap some with Johny's seasoning and a slice of bacon on either side and put in the coals or on a small grill for 15 minutes.

This man knows what he is talking about.

Try also doing this to perch or blue gills (my favorite meal) frying over medium heat with a flour and cornmeal coating till they are browned well on both sides. Preferably in cast iron pan, but then everything is better in a cast iron pan, trust me!!!

MT Gianni
04-25-2010, 12:00 AM
Your welcome at my fire any time Changeling.