View Full Version : Michigan Dove Hunting

07-16-2006, 03:31 AM
Fellow Michiganders,,Please make sure you are registered to and do vote this November, Dove Hunting in my backyard is something I have always wanted to legally do and I hope you all do too. We proably have a snowballs chance in hell of beating the HSUS and misinformed statesman, but we should all give it our best.

Oh you might just as well vote for our NEW governor while you are there.


07-16-2006, 04:55 AM
are dem congress weasels up for re-lection to?

07-16-2006, 07:27 AM
Voting on fish and wildlife policy has worked so well in the past, just look at how banning mountain lion hunting in California has solved so many problems.

07-16-2006, 09:31 AM
At this rate, we will probably be mountain lion hunting in Michigan before doves.:lol: Jenny from the block Granholm is definatly trying to make a push with the outdoorsman in Michigan. They finally passed the age reduction thing that has been argued about for 10 years.

In my backyard there is an unspoken rule that the birds(except robins and cardinals) that crap on stuff are fair game anyway for pellet guns.:lol: It would be fun to try and chase them with a shotgun legally though.

07-16-2006, 11:15 AM
Fellow Michiganders,,Please make sure you are registered to and do vote this November, Dove Hunting in my backyard is something I have always wanted to legally do and I hope you all do too. We proably have a snowballs chance in hell of beating the HSUS and misinformed statesman, but we should all give it our best.

Oh you might just as well vote for our NEW governor while you are there.


Gotcha covered from Birch Run. Lots of Sportsman here and around Frankenmuth. It's the so called voters from the urban areas that are screwing everything up. They have the numbers and are able to dictate far too many issues to the rest of us who actually work for a living and pay taxes.

mr mom
07-16-2006, 11:41 AM
i think 1 thing we need to do is tell the state NOT to listen to the out of state people that overrun our state .. here in the s.w. lower you cant swing a dead cat without hitting 1 of these f.i.s.h. they come here and say let the song birds live..
the best time my sons and i had were going to the state park , that is open to hunting and blasting a few crows while these out of state people are watching... the same thing happens while you are trying to carp hunt and someone from out of state calls the cops cause your walking the waters edge with a bow..
i think if all was let up the the people of michigan thing would be great...

07-16-2006, 09:25 PM
Be glad you aren't just north of the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. I have always wondered if this is "how you did it" back in So Cal, why the hell don't you go back there????


07-16-2006, 09:47 PM
"Voting on fish and wildlife policy has worked so well in the past, just look at how banning mountain lion hunting in California has solved so many problems."

This was not our choice to vote on this, we had a temp dove season, the damn HSUS, and a bunch of misinformed, misguided ignorant *****s, got what is called a petition, which in turn led to a referendum which leads us to the polls come november. DID I MENTION THE *****S....

"Be glad you aren't just north of the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. I have always wondered if this is "how you did it" back in So Cal, why the hell don't you go back there????"


//////////////////////YOU LOST ME SOMEWHERE?????????????????????????????????

07-16-2006, 10:41 PM

Krag is talking about how emigres to states outside CA act once they leave the People's Republic and settle in the United States--choose any of the states surrounding our Worker's Paradise. They land in UT, NV, OR, AZ and expect the sorts of public services, nanny-state oversight, and governmental micro-management of people's lives that occurred in CA, and when it doesn't happen they act like the anti-hunters did in MI on the dove question.......f--king things up for normal people or lifetime/generations-deep residents of the American-based states. As differentiated from the Cuba/North Korea Model adopted in CA, I should say.

Sort of like Chicago-ites do during deer season in Mason County.

07-17-2006, 08:08 AM
Sort of like Chicago-ites do during deer season in Mason County.

Now this is funny! They show up in Idlewild and Wallhalla and want to know where to get the best deep dish in town.:lol:

mr mom
07-17-2006, 08:40 AM
you guys talking about mason county , idlewild and wallhalla... ah!!! the flamingo club duuring deer season!!!!!!
how about this , when i was younger working at the local gas station and someone from ****cago ******** at me that they are heading back to the nice town and how come they didnt build the road closer to the lake so they can see it while they are driving back... and when the do something stupid the first words out of their mouth is im from ****cago i didnt know you couldnt do this here....

Jack Stanley
07-17-2006, 07:10 PM
IT would be nice to see you guys make Jenny a single term gov. Should the politics there continue as normal the cougar you got runnin' around the Bastille city will find a mate ,( oops with forty prisons I guess I oughta say Jackson not Bastille city [smilie=1: he he he ) and have a huntable population shortly .
To bad such a nice piece of land should be in the control of facists and not Americans .


07-17-2006, 07:56 PM
I'm doin my best to send her packin. Up here, even the 'crats can't stand her.

mr mom
07-17-2006, 09:03 PM
about the only thing about our gov. lady is she looks good from behind with a tight pair of jeans on... but then she turns around and you see that thing on her face!!!!

07-19-2006, 03:33 PM
I am not a prophet by any means, but I feel confident in saying,

"She is done"

07-20-2006, 05:19 PM
In case anybody missed it, I was being sarcastic. Since the touchy-feelie people got mountain lion hunting banned by popular vote in California, there has been a number of attacks on humans.

07-21-2006, 12:38 AM
Shooting doves illegal???? Heah in Jawja, we'd HANG anyone that even THOUGHT about such heresy!!! HIGH!!!!

07-21-2006, 01:06 AM
Mountain lion hunting was outlawed in CA in 1873, and the ban has out-survived common sense ever since. The cats don't attack enough mountain bikers or PCT through-hikers to get the law changed, I guess.

We had a similar move attempted to that of the Michigan dove hunt about 30 years ago. The local outdoor writer for the paper got behind a tree squirrel hunt proposition for the southern half of the state. Northern CA has had tree rat seasons since about forever. Studies done by the fauna folks showed a sustainable population that would benefit from a hunt harvest, so public commentary was invited.

What a farking zoo. Petitions got circulated ("THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ALL OUR SQUIRRELS!!" as a heading), protests and disruption of meetings ensued, death threats to the outdoor writer.......the County Game Commissions folded the game and took the idea no further. The sole satisfaction I got during the process came when one of the petition circulators came into the gas station I worked at, and got ejected from the premises forthwith--kicked to the curb, quite literally. YES, it felt good to do.

I don't think a dove hunting ban would play very well in CA, though. There are already at least two different states here, and crap like that might prompt secession--although not nearly soon enough, given all that Feather River water going south at present.

07-21-2006, 10:02 AM
I am trying to understand this topic: Is it not legal to hunt dove in Michigan?

07-21-2006, 05:45 PM
That's correct, Wills.

But California beats Michigan hands down when it comes to idiot-wind game regulations. At about the same time the squirrel hunt was being served and volleyed, someone in the State DFG decided that crows needed "protected songbird" status.

I bluff thee not.

This situation continued in place for some 8-10 years, until roughly the mid-1980's. At that time, a limited "hunt"--complete with season and bag limit--was put into place. Just so that we keep the proper perspective here, crows are still fully protected in the desert areas where they are free to continue decimating desert tortoises with neither let nor hindrance. Oh--and don't forget--all crows taken must be "utilized".

I think it was Bismarck who said that anyone who loved either the law or sausages should never watch either one being made. Well, the examples listed in this thread show that the end results can be something other than positive, too.

07-21-2006, 06:45 PM
I am trying to understand this topic: Is it not legal to hunt dove in Michigan?

No it is not, we have been fighting for it for eons, we finally got a trial three year hunt in the southern band of counties, and it was supposed to be studied and then decided rather to let the rest of the state hunt them. Well, we got one season in before all holy hell broke loose and petitions came forward, the humane society and other well funded animal rightists got what they wanted and it now going to be decided by the voters, and bird loving snowbirds from other states. We will proably never hunt doves in Michigan, sad, but true...

07-21-2006, 08:13 PM
I hope you get to hunt doves in Michigan. I want to move back there. However if you can't shoot doves in the first half of Sept, you can shoot Giant Canada Geese during the same time. 5-15 lb geese vs 19- 5oz doves???

07-21-2006, 08:42 PM
I do hunt them big geese, it would just me nice to be able to extend our morning hunts a bit. them doves fly by us all day long even after the geese have gone back to water, and I "HEAR" they are a lot of fun to shoot. I would just carry an extra box of smaller steel shot with me while honkerin down in the field.. I have access to quite a bit of flatland farm ground and the doves would give us something more to do between hunts....