View Full Version : Lee bullet molds

04-12-2010, 05:21 PM
In reading the forum, it seems like there are a lot more problems with Lee molds(especially the 6 cavity molds) than with Lyman and RCBS molds. You don't read about many complaints or problems with Lyman or RCBS molds as compared to Lee molds. Is this my imagination or is it a fact?

04-12-2010, 06:00 PM
They need more "tweaking" to get right. Good prep practices are needed for all molds, I find that especially true with the aluminum ones. Most of the lee problems can be traced to insufficient heat soaking and cleaning of the mold. I have about 12 of them and only one ever had to be returned as unfixable by me (bad sprue plate). I have actually gotten a higher production rate from a two cavity (fewer rejects) than with a six when casting the larger boolits. Others will have different experiences. Most have worked very well with just good prepping.

04-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Yes there are probubly more promlems with Lee moulds. But Lee moulds are cheaper. There are probubly more Lee moulds sold because of this so you will get more problems overall. Plus allot of new casters start with lee because of the price. To keep the moulds cheap there has to be a fast production rate and quallity sufferes at times but usually it isn't something the average guy can't fix. I have allot of Lee mould and some others too. I wouldn't be turned off by the fact that you hear allot of problems with Lee moulds. They still make an overall good product.

6.5 mike
04-12-2010, 08:19 PM
bamacisa, all of my molds (so far) are lee & with one exception where close to "as advertized", both in size & weight. The one oddball is a 200 gr that drops small on the nose, I either "beagle it up" or paper patch to whatever size I need.
All I do for prep is wash in very hot water w/dishsoap, rinse in very hot water, de-burr, lube as directed. The first use I set the mold on the back of my pot to warm about 1 min & start casting. I do this each time & feel it warms the blocks better then dipping in the melt, I do start hot & turn down as the drip-o-matic tells me.
Would I buy more lee molds ? yes. Would I modify one for a special need ? sure. I figure for less the 20 bucks, if it does what I need fine, & if I screw it up I'm not out much. Just my 2 centoves.

04-12-2010, 10:01 PM
After LEE-menting two finicky LEE molds, they are a joy to use. Drop perfect or near perfect boolits.


04-12-2010, 11:12 PM
I'm a casting newbie but so far the 4 Lee moulds I have are performing just fine after some initial cleanup and smoking. I have to admit, the first casting session I had with each was frustrating, but I've since learned that it was just operator error. Once I got all the basic parameters (pot temp, mould temp, flow rate) worked out they all seem to drop very nice bullets. They're a wee stickier than I'd like but if it gets to the point of being a problem I'll just "lee-ment" them as per the instructions on the board here.

After using some of the 6-cavity pistol moulds I was reluctant to try one of their 2-cavity rifle moulds for fear it would be too slow to use. But just like the others a little extra cleaning and some smoking was all it took to get it running nicely.

I cast about 130 .30 cal rifle bullets this afternoon in around 30-40 minutes using my Lee 2-cavity mould, and nearly all of them turned out just fine. So I'm pretty sure that for any future needs I have, I'll be looking at Lee first.

04-13-2010, 10:07 AM
I am not into any of my Lee molds more than 15 minutes in 'tweaking'. Generally, the 6 cavity molds just run. I had one that had a loose alignment pin, but drill, tap and install a set screw and that was solved.

All the two cavities get polished using a bullet mounted on a #8 wood screw in a drill with some toothpaste. Then a good cleaning with soap and water, and I rarely have to even tap the handles...Bullets just drop out.

Given the price differences, I will have to be able to sell all my time at way more than I currently can to justify the more expensive molds.

The only non-lee molds I own, or ever plan to own, are to cast bullets Lee doesn't make a mold for.

04-13-2010, 01:11 PM
I have, at last count, 18 Lee moulds. Some drop heavier than expected and some needed a little work to drop at all. Only 1 has been returned to Lee as it was .008 undersized. They replaced it no questions asked. For the money, I will have more of them in the future.