View Full Version : I dodged a Kimber at the show

Jack Stanley
04-11-2010, 08:15 PM
There I was just sitting at my table minding my own business and trying to sell everything I had . When all of a sudden a fella comes walking up with a rifle on his shoulder . Now mind you there are lots of guys walking around with rifles on their shoulder and you might ask ; so , what about it ? Well , it was because as he was coming up , I noticed the top of the buttplate had a slight point that was inletted into the top of the stock . Owning two rifles that have the same attention to detail This was like a banner tied to it saying " Look at me "!

He was trying to sell the Kimber model eighty-two that was chambered in the Hornet flavoring ... regular not the "K" if I remember right . I had a Remington on the table he wanted and another guy had a Winchester . His hopes was to sell the Kimber and walk out with two guns . A noble venture but not many buyers for high dollar guns where we were at . He offered a deal for my cash and rifle for his that was tempting but two things stopped me . The lack of cash and I have two nice lefties to use and didn't really need a right hand Hornet rifle .

A friend of mine likes the Hornet and I briefly thought of him but I quickly realized it was so far out of his price range it wasn't funny . I guess that is the problem with classy high dollar rifles , it is a very limited market . I'm glad I have mine because they shoot as good as the price tag indicates and they are good looking too . I told my friend on the way home they are two that he would have to sell for my wife when I'm gone because I don't think I'll ever sell them . Yep , I enjoy them that much , even when I'm not shooting them .

I guess the best way to look at this is , I left a nice rifle on the market for someone else to buy and enjoy .


04-11-2010, 08:40 PM
A kind of "catch & release", for gunz, huh? ;) :mrgreen: :rolleyes:


Jack Stanley
04-11-2010, 09:10 PM
I hadn't thought of it like that but I think you are right [smilie=l:


04-11-2010, 11:32 PM
Jack impressive display of will power ! A kimber is a temptation indeed. LOL

cajun shooter
04-13-2010, 08:52 AM
I've gotten to where i don't like seeing guns like that. My money that is available for extra's has dried up. I now look as if something is wrong with me when I stand there and drool is dripping onto my shirt. Now where did my care taker get off to?