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07-12-2006, 09:34 PM
I sent in my bad Lee mould, they put it in a new box and sent it back ....go figure...it throws oblong bullets from 450-462...had less than 2 weeks, not one good bullet came out of that mould..No more Lee for me..this new lyman is like a wet...ahhh...

07-14-2006, 09:00 AM
I've got one that does the same exact thing. Did you send it to Midway or Lee? I guess they had a run of them recently.

07-14-2006, 09:03 AM
I sent it back to Midway....It may not be the same mould sent back to me, But it was dfinatly used.and measured the same, turn the bullet just 90 degrees and got the oblong measurements..I just give up on them..I swear it looked like my old one though...It had same tiny little dimples on the bottom corner and sprue plate was scratched..

07-14-2006, 10:01 AM
You have to send it to Lee, Midway is not responsible for bad products. I am surprised a note wasn't included.
Lee has gone downhill real fast and all I read is horror stories about their molds. Over the years I have sent three back and they replaced them with good moulds. How can they make money if most are returned? Seems easier to make them right the first time.
I see the day no one will buy anything from Lee. Maybe they need a lesson!

07-14-2006, 03:04 PM
How many newbies have come to you complaining about not getting their cast bullets to shoot? When I get these complaints I usually find a Lee mould somewhere in the mix. When I sell a Lee Mould I sell it as a kit. I explain that it will probably need some work to put out a suitable bullet. For the price I have a hard time complaining about Lee, they are for the most part just not a use as is mould. I have gotten bad moulds from Lyman and others also, but not with the frequency of the Lee. If I get a new Lee mould I don't even cast til I have trued, lapped and polished. If that doesn't do the job I put the mould into the something else pile and either rebore or rod the handles for conversion.

07-14-2006, 06:21 PM
Well, atleast Midway is trying to make good, They said to send it back to them in the first place, and now has called and emailed me to send it back to them again and they will pay for my shipping and credit my account..I think I will do that..

07-14-2006, 09:17 PM
44man I don't know about you but I think I have noticed everything since the price of oil has gone through the roof, is making it so you can't get decent work done, not on time, and awfully poor workmanship.
This is not bashing anyone it is the same here in Canada the oil related companies are pay super extravegant wages and the poor shop on the corner is having a hair of a time finding anyone that is worth a hoot to work for them.