View Full Version : lyman sizer

04-04-2010, 11:12 PM
I bought a old lyman sizer few weeks ago finally got around to working on it. Paid a wopping 10 bucks has a 357 sizer die and a 429 nose punch. I got the nose punch easy and the set screw on the die housing to hold the die in place. Die wont budge. Heated it a little lots of some kind of nasty black lube ran out die still wont move. Put it in some water and heated it good lots more of the nasty lube. Die still wont move. soaking in kroil now hope it works. if any one has a secret I could maybe use the help.


04-04-2010, 11:47 PM
Your headed in the right direction. Add the Kroil to it and let it set for 2 or more hours and then give it a try. Some of the old lube has harded(dried out some) and it will eventually come free, just be patient. I bought an old 450 one time and it had set in a heated garage , drying out but good. It finally came free but it took several application of Kroil and setting one of the wife's heated irons on the top of the lube tube. I don't know which did the most good but they worked. It operated free and easy after that. James

04-05-2010, 12:27 AM
Take out the set screw. There may be a small plastic ball behind the set screw. SAVE IT! Soak the sizer in HOT water. How long? Until old lube is soft enough to let the die move. Kroil may work, my favorite solvent is acetone. You can help the die move by using a flat wrench as a spacer between the lifting device and the rod that pushes on the 'I"die. The entire die is and H & I die. Gently lift the luber arm. I believe this is an older 45 luber. Don't do anything that would break it. Heat and solvents with gentle pressure will eventually get the die to move. Once it moves a little bit you should be home free. Take your time it will eventually will come out it just takes patience.