View Full Version : Brass cleaning......help!

04-03-2010, 04:15 PM
I have several buckets full of brass, most of which was picked up after laying on the ground for quite a while. Before I can even begin to sort this stuff as to whether it's useable or not I need to clean it.....and it's BLACK. Most is probably old military and berdan but I'm sure there's some good too. Whatever I can't use I'll take to the scrap yard and swap for lead. I've used the vinegar/salt/lemon juice on small quantities but there's far too much for that.

Some years ago a friend gave me a gallon of some sort of cleaner from a restaraunt. I can't remember the name, but whatever it was it cleaned brass immediately. Does anyone know of such a chemical?

04-03-2010, 04:30 PM
I have several buckets full of brass, most of which was picked up after laying on the ground for quite a while. Before I can even begin to sort this stuff as to whether it's useable or not I need to clean it.....and it's BLACK. Most is probably old military and berdan but I'm sure there's some good too. Whatever I can't use I'll take to the scrap yard and swap for lead. I've used the vinegar/salt/lemon juice on small quantities but there's far too much for that.

Some years ago a friend gave me a gallon of some sort of cleaner from a restaraunt. I can't remember the name, but whatever it was it cleaned brass immediately. Does anyone know of such a chemical?

Friends I have in the restaurant industry swear by Simple Green concentrate. I don't know if that is the same as what you have, but it might be worth a try.


04-03-2010, 05:19 PM
Simple Green? Really? By black I meant these cases are badly tarnished. I know that a mixture of ammonia and water will clean them, but it also damages the brass, making it brittle. I guess I'll try a Simple Green soak and see if it works. Thanks!

04-03-2010, 07:12 PM
Copper polish (the cleanser type) has worked for me in the past. I just mixed some with water and soaked for a little bit.

04-03-2010, 07:56 PM
What I use for really dirty brass is phosporic acid.
I get it from home depot.
It's a tub and shower cleaner.
About $7.00 a gallon.
Smells strong, but it's real mild.
If I remember correct, it's in Coke a cola so you might try soaking some cases in a can of coke.

04-04-2010, 01:21 PM
What I use is cheap red kool-aid, it's an old trick that we used on deck drains on US Navy ships. I do small quantities but it would work for any number. Just mix a tub with enough water to cover the brass and mix in enough (I believe that more is better) and let sit (usually overnight works for me). I get the small packs for 10 cents a pack at the local market and I imagine that any color would work as it's only food coloring anyway. It also peels away the enamel coating on steel cases and cleans them pretty well too.

04-04-2010, 02:20 PM
I assume you mean the un-sweetened variety of Kool-Aid?Robert

04-04-2010, 09:16 PM
If the restaurant cleaner cleans immediately I would bet it is an acid of some type. I would give it a try on some. Make sure it is rinsed well and even throw some baking soda in the rinse water. I use acid on nasty brass but dont get many pick ups these days.